Lieberman: There can be no political settlement with the Palestinians

Palestine Information Center – 05/08/2013

NAZARETH — Avigdor Lieberman, the former Israeli foreign minister, ruled out the possibility of reaching a political settlement with the Palestinians, affirming that the negotiations would be confined to limited security and economic agreements.
In an interview posted Sunday on the website of the 10th Israeli channel, Lieberman said that the Israeli and Palestinian sides had conducted rounds of negotiations over the past years, but to no avail.
He added that it would be impossible to reach a political settlement with the Palestinians after all these years of negotiations.
Commenting on the Israeli government’s decision to release prisoners as a goodwill gesture towards the peace process, Lieberman, who opposes the idea, said that he gave his party Yisrael Beiteinu the freedom to vote in this regard and refrained from exposing its ministers to pressures.
As for the European Union’s decision to boycott Israeli settlements, he stated that Israel would move internationally and diplomatically against the European union and force it to reverse its decision.
