The Liars In The Media FINALLY Admit War On The Fraud "ISIS" Has Always Been About Overthrowing Assad! (I Hate Being Right About This One)

When will people finally get it???  I have been harping here at this blog again and again about the fact that this "ISIS" has always been a fraud, and that the real aim of the US Government and all of the nations stupid enough to join their fraud "coalition" in the Middle East has been for attacking Syria and removing the Syrian democratically elected and very popular President, Bashar al-Assad....Well, NOW the liars in the Jew spew media have finally had to admit the TRUTH about why the United States and their so called "allies" are in the Middle East.. Just the other day, the criminal liars over at the Jewish controlled mouthpiece, CNN, finally came out and are saying clearly that the entire war on ISIS is nothing more than a ridiculously laughable front for the eventual invasion of Syria and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad... I have the video evidence of this CNN report right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  I usually do not link to anything from that POS Jew spew media network, CNN, but you really have to laugh when you hear the liars over at CNN fall all over themselves in looking for excuse after excuse for failing to see the truth that the US policy against the fraud "ISIS" has always been for an attack on Syria.... It is so sad that so many people still do not get it.... ISIS is NOT a real "terrorist" group, period.. It is fully financed by the United States itself and operated by CIA and Mossad agents for the sole purpose of creating havoc in the Middle East and to create the illusion of a " terrorist threat" just to be used as psychological propaganda to try to convince the skeptical American people that an attack on Syria is somehow warranted.... This has always been the policy and plan of both the criminal US government and the psychos in charge of the lunatic asylum known as Israel.... Basically using this fraud "ISIS" to create a back door for the invasion of Syria itself....I really do not like being right about this one... The fact is that the US government has now moved forces into place in the Middle East for their long planned attack on Syria, and only now the liars in the Jew spew media have had no choice but to admit to the dumbed down American people that was the plan all along....The ramp up for the planned attack on the innocent nation of Syria is on.... Another war for Israel to be paid for and led by their slaves in the United States.... When will the American people finally wake the hell up and put an end to this madness???More to comeNTS