Least Transparent POTUS in History? If you have nothing to hide….

We see you!
So you may trust Obama and the democrats, and don’t care if they hide everything…. Just remember that this course of action, and precedents; will be inherited by the next guy (or old hag). (Bush 3?) If you do not stand up NOW, you will be labeled a hypocrite when you do it later!

What do you do if you suspect that the White House is keeping secrets by coordinating with Federal Agencies in order to deny or delay or otherwise obstruct FOIA requests for political purposes?

About all you can do is file Freedom of Information Act requests for documents or communications related to any such plan or agreement to engage in such coordinated efforts.
For some background here, remember the words of President Barack Obama on January 21, 2009.

For a long time now, there’s been too much secrecy in this city. The old rules said if there was a defensible argument for not disclosing something to the American people, then it should not be disclosed. That era is now over.

He was lying. (allegedly)
Fox News reports that the organization Cause for Action is suing twelve Federal agencies
for allegedly withholding emails and other documents, in the latest episode in which the Obama administration is being challenged over its transparency. 
They want the documents
in order to see whether agencies are being forced to channel basic public-information requests through the White House, so that politically sensitive material can be screened. The group filed the suit Monday in a District of Columbia federal court. 
The lawsuit says the agencies “stonewalled” the organization — and claims the White House is “influencing” their response to record requests. 
“Accountable and transparent government does not involve instructing agencies to send politically sensitive records to the White House for review,” said Dan Epstein, Cause of Action’s executive director. 
One example cited by the group appears to show a five-month-long email exchange between Labor Department and White House lawyers over a request by the conservative Americans for Limited Government — for the 2009 desk calendar of then-Labor Secretary Hilda Solis. 
While this is not the worst aspect of it, these denials of lawful FOIA requests are very much part of Barack Obama’s war on the First Amendment and on journalists.
The problem here is that the media can’t change anything unless they decide to go to war on the Obama Administration. That’s how they helped de-throne Richard Nixon from the Presidency and nothing less will do here. But they are predominately liberals and Obama is, you know, the One.
So it looks like the false promises and the secrets will continue.
Read more at Political Outcast

