The LAX Shooting: Is This Another Fraud?

I am finally feeling much better and over my recent horrendous bout of Sinusitis.... It is time to get back to doing articles at this blog, and to do some catching up on what has been happening around the world...Just the other day, I took the time to look over all of the facts and evidence concerning the recent "shooting" of a TSA agent by a "lone gunman" at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), and what I saw just did not make any sense at all... In fact, as usual I had my suspicions from the very beginning that this was another set up and a false flag attack.... But for once, I decided to try very hard to give the "official story" the benefit of the doubt, and try very hard to believe what the US Government, the TSA, and the Jewish controlled media were saying as being "the truth"....It might have been the medicine I was taking to fight my sinus infection was affecting my brain!.....  But after the medicine wore off, and after pouring over articles and videos, I am sorry, but I smelled a rat and I have come to the conclusion that we are dealing with another training exercise that has gone "live", and therefore another hoax perpetrated on the American people....First, I want to present here some startling evidence brought forward by Max Malone, who was the same person who did excellent work in exposing the Kenyan Mall fraud through his video:  "The Cameraman Can"...This video is entitled:  "LA/Ontario International Airport Shooting Hoax", and I have it right here for everyone to see for themselves... The Police Chief with his training exercise blurt and the reaction of the two clowns behind him is the absolute dead giveaway that this is a training exercise that went live... And definitely shows that this "live exercise" is exactly like the other previous fraudulent live exercises at both Boston and Sandy Hook!  OK... Max did make a few errors in this video.... The airport was not LA/Ontario, but LAX... And of course Max made an error in jumping to the conclusion that this Pugh character was none other than our famous 9-11 "Harley Guy", "Mark Walsh"....Please notice how this "Nick Pugh" character, just like how "Mark Walsh" just happened to be at just the right place during 9-11, just happens to be at just the right place at the right time to give his "remarkable" story about this LAX "shooting"! But this "Nick Pugh" clown obviously forgot his script, and made some real fatal mistakes in getting his story right, as you will see in the following video that concentrates on his "witness statement" of the LAX shooting incident.  I have that video right here: I recommend that everyone pay close attention to the words coming out of this "Nick Pugh"'s mouth... The guy cannot even get his stories straight, because his stories change from interview to interview... This Pugh character is definitely from the same criminal outfit that brought us Harley guy, "Mark Walsh", on 9-11, and there to lead the public down the wrong path again with loads of fraudulent information....It really is to laugh that people will actually swallow this fool's bullcrap!I also want to present the following video that is just so revealing that this entire exercise is indeed a hoax... In this video, you will see the officials outside the LAX terminal load a dummy (yes it is a dummy because no human being would look that way), and wheels the dummy rapidly down the road to the waiting ambulances... Here is that video for everyone to see here: Why is this reminiscent of the fraud Boston Bombing, where the clowns taking part in that exercise wheeled a couple of the "victims' down the roadway to the waiting ambulances?  And WHY is it that the ambulances are not situated closer to that doorway, instead of being several hundred yards away???  Is it just me, or is this the dead giveaway that this is a massive fraud?  Are they laughing at everyone by using dummies for the real dummies, the people who fall for this crap?And this one really takes the cake.. This is an image that supposedly shows the "gunman" lying next to "blood" that comes courtesy of a fellow blogger, Buelahman ( that is an absolute insult to anyone with any intelligence...  Just looking at this picture screams of fraudulence... The blood alone is a real disgusting laugher.. Blood absolutely does not act that way, and the color is all wrong... You would figure that the people behind the hoax would have got that right... And the 'dummy' used for this picture has almost NO blood on it... Again, the dummies behind this hoax should have at least soaked his clothing with the fake blood as well...Again, as I stated in the first part of this article, I really wanted desperately to look at this LAX shooting as exactly as the criminals in the Jew controlled media and government have been trying to portray.. But as usual, once a liar, always a liar, and we are indeed dealing with another false flag operation... The trouble is that it seems these operations are getting more ridiculous and laughable now every time they try to pull them off! Readers, I cannot stand the fact that there are some in this so called "truth movement" that have come out since this LAX shooting and DARED others, such as myself to call this LAX shooting a "hoax".   But these clowns, especially those who attempted to destroy my friend, Whitewraithe, earlier this year are the REAL fools.... The evidence clearly shows, and anyone with any level of intelligence will come out and state the obvious... This is a massive fraud and hoax being pushed again on the American public...It is therefore no wonder I look at the ones who dare me to call this a hoax, just as I called Sandy Hook a hoax,  as nothing but con men and disinformation specialists....Wake up America, before it is too late...More to comeNTS