Lavrov: US Proposal To Declare Pause In Aleppo Lead Up Blind Alley- Aleppo Recovery 100%?

Lavrov :US proposals to declare pauses in hostilities in Aleppo lead up blind alleyBELGRADE, December 12. /TASS/. US proposals to declare pauses in hostilities for coordinating corridors for the withdrawal of gunmen and civilians from eastern Aleppo lead up a blind alley, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Monday."The US has returned to its old and dead-end position which is that before coordinating the corridors [for the withdrawal of refugees and gunmen] a pause of three, four and seven days must be declared," he said."We have already gone through this. This will mean that militants will once again get a respite. I hope they will stop sparing gunmen, that the United States as a serious power will use its influence on militants and on those who control gunmen apart from Washington, and that we will finally be able to solve this problem, honestly and caring first of all for the civilian population," he added."Palmyra, Islamic State’s offensive from Iraq, from Mosul to all appearances, offensive in three territories patrolled by the US-led coalition - all this suggests, and I hope very much to be wrong, that it was orchestrated, coordinated to give a respite to the militants who have entranced in Eastern Aleppo," he said. "Those who want to be part of settlement must immediately join the ceasefire regime and all the rest will be seen as subject to extermination," the Russian minister stressed.SOHR: Battle for Aleppo Ended?  WaPo is claiming they are retreating deeper into terrorist held territory- alluding to Aleppo being recovered

The director of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) has today declared that the battle for Aleppo has reached its end, as the Assad regime army and its allies force the Syrian opposition to withdraw from the last six neighbourhoods that it controlled in east Aleppo.Rami Abdulrahman, SOHR’s chief, made the announcement today after the opposition to President Bashar Al-Assad were finally forced to abandon their last holdouts

WaPo image- Looks like final retreat

Taking full control of Aleppo......

Aleppo’s fall would mark a major setback for rebel factions ......

From Earlier:
