Latvia: NATO Builds Up Air Capabilities

North Atlantic Treaty Organization
Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe

September 26, 2014

LIELVARDE AIRFIELD, Latvia: Latvia’s Lielvarde Airfield is now open to conduct day and night visual flight operations. The opening ceremony marking the occasion was held on Thursday, 25 September. The event was attended by H.E. Ms Laimdota Straujuma, Latvian Prime Minister, Mr Raimonds Vejonis, Minister of Defence, LTG Raimonds Graube, Chief of Defence and General Sir Adrian Bradshaw, Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe.
“Taking into consideration latest events in the international arena, as well as our national security priorities, this base is required for National Armed Forces to ensure national defence, as well as to implement all necessary measures to support NATO operations and carry out NATO air patrol maintenance”, Latvian Prime Minister, Ms Straujuma stated.
As Mr. Vejonis, Minister of Defence, highlighted, “Development of the Air Force Base reaffirms that our priority is not just to establish new military bases, but to develop, improve and adapt our infrastructure to meet NATO’s high standards and insure our allies’ presence in the region”.
“It is a tremendous set of development of operational capabilities, in an extremely important time, when the security situation in Europe has significantly changed”, said General Bradshaw, adding, “This restoration is the first of many more investments to improve NATO’s capabilities, to guarantee NATO is rock solid regarding collective defence”.
After the chaplain blessed the airfield, there was a short dynamic demonstration, namely “fly by” and “touch and go”, by Canadian, Portuguese and American jets.
This year marks ten years since Latvia joined NATO and the opening ceremony symbolised the significant amount of work that has been undertaken since 2005 in order to bring this co-financed project to fruition.
Story by SHAPE Public Affairs Office
