Las Vegas Mass Shooting False Flag Incident: Important New Update On This Definite False Flag Attack

Honestly, I was wanting to stop reporting on the Las Vegas false flag attack of October 2017 simply because no matter how much real truth seekers such as myself and others have been trying to reach the zombified sheep out there to inform them that it definitely was a false flag attack, too many fools have fallen for the lies coming out of the Jew spew media and especially from the US Government itself with their ridiculous "official report"......And yes after months of putting up article after article here at this blog showing the "inconsistencies" of that attack, most gullible Americans have ignored my articles and instead have swallowed the "Kool-aid"put forward via the Jew spew controlled media and have been brainwashed into believing the lies without using any critical thinking skills that should have told them that something is terribly amiss here...AND sadly many key eyewitnesses, that were actually at that country concert the night of that shooting, have tried to come forward to tell the truth about what they saw that fateful night and sadly many of these brave individuals have died under "mysterious circumstances" with nobody asking the hard questions as to "why"?But I will continue to bring forward any new reports here that do come my way, and right now I want to present the link to a most interesting article, that comes from the Free Thought Project website at, that shows that Mandalay Bay hotel workers had visited the supposed "gunman" Stephen Paddock's suite on the 32th floor of the resort at least 10 TIMES before he supposedly 'opened fire" into the concert crowd below and found NOTHING in the suite at all!  Here is the link to that report here: Notes:  This is most interesting.. For if Stephen Paddock had such a large assortment of weapons as the liars in the Las Vegas police and the Jew spew media have claimed, then someone visiting that suite would have noticed, definitely....Yes, it dawned on me just reading this report that Mandalay Bay's own "housekeeping" staff would have definitely noticed something peculiar in his suite in the days leading up to, and especially the day of,  the October 1st attack, and yet according to this report, they found and saw NOTHING.... THIS alone should be raising so many red flags with everyone and have them asking "Hmmmmm...."....I will state it clearly once again here.. Stephen Paddock is absolutely INNOCENT of this "shooting" but was absolutely set up to be the "patsy" for this attack... The criminals involved needed their "long gunman" nut job to divert attention away from the fact that this attack was a well planned and orchestrated operation....Which still begs the question as to...WHY?   WHAT was the purpose of this attack in Las Vegas? And WHO GAINS from the murder of some 58 patrons at a country concert venue?   I for one am still looking for the real answers as to the entire purpose of this attack and who was actually behind it.... If and when I do come across the answers, I will indeed be presenting them here....More to comeNTS