Kellyanne Conway brushes off Obama’s childish behavior, hints at a Trump – Russia détente

Donald Trump’s top adviser Kellyanne Conway, spoke with USA Today ahead of, what will be, the final stretch towards inauguration day. In the interview Conway discusses Barack Obama’s final days in office, Russian hacking, and the sore loser Democrats.
By now it is no secret that Barack Obama has decided on a scorched earth policy in his transition out of the White House…making sure that the soon to be President Trump inherits as many problems as possible. One of those problems being the “fake news” Russian hacker story conjured up by the outgoing POTUS.

Via USA Today

“I predict that President Trump will want to make sure that our actions are proportionate to what occurred, based on what we know,” she told Capital Download. She said the steps Obama took, including ejecting 35 alleged Russian spies, were harsher than those he ordered after reported hacking by China and North Korea and suggested the reason for the difference was political.
Conway ridiculed a proposal by House and Senate Democrats on Monday to establish a bipartisan, independent commission to investigate the allegations against Russia. U.S. intelligence agencies last week reported that Moscow, under the direction of President Vladimir Putin, hacked emails from the Democratic National Committee and others, then leaked them in an effort to defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton and elect Trump. Trump has supported investigations by the House and Senate.
“It’s curious and a little bit humorous that Democrats would talk about anything bipartisan … given how they have vowed to obstruct everything we do,” she said, saying there already was “a great deal of information out there” about the hacking. “I do find it to be very ironic that the uptick and the hue-and-cry of ‘investigation’ and ‘information’ has occurred after the election results are in. …
“The fact is, the Democrats became super-duper interested in this entire issue after the election did not go the way they, quote, wanted and the way they expected.”
In discussing the outgoing president, Conway said she “absolutely” would watch Obama’s farewell address in Chicago on Tuesday — but with what sounded like a warning.
“It’s a great idea for him to do this because he knows that a great deal of what he did is not going to survive this next presidency, or maybe even this next month, in some cases,” she said. “You build a legacy not just by checking a box and passing legislation without a single vote from the other side. Legacies have to be sustained over time; they have to endure.”
She questioned whether Obama, once he leaves the Oval Office, should lead Democrats in critiquing his successor.
“It’s appropriate for any past president to weigh in as they feel comfortable and as appropriate,” she said, but then added: “I do recall that President George W. Bush gave a great deal of latitude and courtesy to President Obama, and basically said, ‘I’m not the president anymore; give him his chance to run the country.’ We’d like the same.”

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