This Is Just Too Creepy For Words... Apple Watch Needs To See Your Blood Before It Works (!)

I for the life of me just have never understood people and their insane infatuation with Apple products... The world is going to heck in a hand basket, with people losing their jobs and their very livelihoods, and yet we find people lined up at Apple retail stores awaiting the newest and greatest "Apple" product and paying a king's ransom to afford them!   It is insane that people will fork over their hard earned money for overpriced gizmos that will become obsolete, and are designed to do so, within no time....  It does boggle the mind....Over the last while we have been inundated on the Jew spew media with constant commercials pushing the latest and greatest Apple "product" simply called... "Watch"..... I have been looking over the technical specifications for this product and all of the alternative media reports about this wrist watch, and most reports give this product a serious thumbs down... It is again massively overpriced, has built in obsolescence (yes the guts contain resin material that disintegrates over time making the watch useless), and supposedly the battery life is a joke.. Under normal usage the Watch battery has a life of some 6 hours tops which to me is ludicrous....Those findings about the "Watch" are bad enough, but I was informed of an article from Jim Stone's website, at that is absolutely a must read by everyone, and shows that the Apple people are down right creepy with this "Watch" and how it functions.... For according to the following article link, which I have here for all to read for themselves, it appears that the Apple "Watch" has built in bio-metrics that requires the device to actually see your blood before it even functions properly!   I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:Apple watch needs to see your blood before it works! Here's something interesting and creepy beyond belief - the Apple watch needs to see your blood and know it is being worn before it can receive calls and notifications, OR before it can be used to do any online transaction. On the back of the Apple watch there is a light that has to penetrate your skin and see your blood before the watch will accept the fact that it is being worn. This is part of the heart monitor function. At first I thought this had to be a hoax, but the apple blogs confirm it is real. Apple refuses to comment. Because of this, people who have tattoos on their wrist cannot use the apple watch to do much of anything, not even make calls or receive notifications because tattoos block the watch from seeing their blood. They can't make online purchases or do anything that requires security because the apple watch wants to see your blood to prove it is you wearing it, and if it cannot it will not enable even basic features. I will never buy an apple watch or anything else like it, it is just too creepy for me. Why on earth would any gadget need to see my blood before it will function? I believe Apple knew the watch would have this problem, and specifically designed it to so the yuppie crowd would buy this gadget, later discover it works this way, and then accept future biometric technologies that function a similar way. Not for me, not now, NOT EVER. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A SMARTWATCH SCENARIO, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A REAL POSSIBLE SCENARIO Cell phones can be hacked and have their transmitters be modulated in a way that interferes with your heart and can trigger a heart attack. This has been discussed in detail on this web site before. Let me explain a little for people who have not seen this here before - Via AM hetrodyning of your cell phone's transmitter, it is possible to cause a voltage to be generated in your body, to a depth of a little more than 10 centimeters. If a cell phone is close enough to your body, this voltage can be used to trigger a heart attack. This is not science fiction, it is cold hard reality. SO, IF YOUR WATCH IS A HEART MONITOR THAT IS COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CELL PHONE THIS CAN BE TAKEN ANOTHER STEP, WITH YOUR WATCH CONFIRMING YOU ARE DEAD AND YOUR CELL PHONE SENDING BACK A SUCCESS REPORT. The success of assassination via this method is about to get a steep increase. Obviously Apple never thought of this, this is NSA/CIA stuff, however, the Iwatch is NOT FOR ME, NOT EVER!    See updates at: watch needs to see your blood before it works! Here's something interesting and creepy beyond belief - the Apple watch needs to see your blood and know it is being worn before it can receive calls and notifications, OR before it can be used to do any online transaction. On the back of the Apple watch there is a light that has to penetrate your skin and see your blood before the watch will accept the fact that it is being worn. This is part of the heart monitor function. At first I thought this had to be a hoax, but the apple blogs confirm it is real. Apple refuses to comment. Because of this, people who have tattoos on their wrist cannot use the apple watch to do much of anything, not even make calls or receive notifications because tattoos block the watch from seeing their blood. They can't make online purchases or do anything that requires security because the apple watch wants to see your blood to prove it is you wearing it, and if it cannot it will not enable even basic features. I will never buy an apple watch or anything else like it, it is just too creepy for me. Why on earth would any gadget need to see my blood before it will function? I believe Apple knew the watch would have this problem, and specifically designed it to so the yuppie crowd would buy this gadget, later discover it works this way, and then accept future biometric technologies that function a similar way. Not for me, not now, NOT EVER. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A SMARTWATCH SCENARIO, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A REAL POSSIBLE SCENARIO Cell phones can be hacked and have their transmitters be modulated in a way that interferes with your heart and can trigger a heart attack. This has been discussed in detail on this web site before. Let me explain a little for people who have not seen this here before - Via AM hetrodyning of your cell phone's transmitter, it is possible to cause a voltage to be generated in your body, to a depth of a little more than 10 centimeters. If a cell phone is close enough to your body, this voltage can be used to trigger a heart attack. This is not science fiction, it is cold hard reality. SO, IF YOUR WATCH IS A HEART MONITOR THAT IS COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CELL PHONE THIS CAN BE TAKEN ANOTHER STEP, WITH YOUR WATCH CONFIRMING YOU ARE DEAD AND YOUR CELL PHONE SENDING BACK A SUCCESS REPORT. The success of assassination via this method is about to get a steep increase. Obviously Apple never thought of this, this is NSA/CIA stuff, however, the Iwatch is NOT FOR ME, NOT EVER!    See updates at: for me, not now, NOT EVER. HOW ABOUT THIS FOR A SMARTWATCH SCENARIO, WHICH IS ACTUALLY A REAL POSSIBLE SCENARIO Cell phones can be hacked and have their transmitters be modulated in a way that interferes with your heart and can trigger a heart attack. This has been discussed in detail on this web site before. Let me explain a little for people who have not seen this here before - Via AM hetrodyning of your cell phone's transmitter, it is possible to cause a voltage to be generated in your body, to a depth of a little more than 10 centimeters. If a cell phone is close enough to your body, this voltage can be used to trigger a heart attack. This is not science fiction, it is cold hard reality. SO, IF YOUR WATCH IS A HEART MONITOR THAT IS COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR CELL PHONE THIS CAN BE TAKEN ANOTHER STEP, WITH YOUR WATCH CONFIRMING YOU ARE DEAD AND YOUR CELL PHONE SENDING BACK A SUCCESS REPORT. The success of assassination via this method is about to get a steep increase. Obviously Apple never thought of this, this is NSA/CIA stuff, however, the Iwatch is NOT FOR ME, NOT EVER!    See updates at: Notes:  I am at a loss for words about this and I find it down right disturbing that Apple would manufacture a product that requires your blood to activate...I have had my disagreements with Jim Stone from time to time, but in terms of what he states at this article, I could not agree more... This is downright one of the creepiest things I have seen in a while, and it shows again why people should avoid this product at all cost....Honestly, I have never seen the point to the "Watch" at all.... Overpriced, poor battery life, built in obsolescence, and requires a person's blood to activate?  I guess I will stick to my good old mechanical "Bulova" watch rather than fork over hundreds for this ridiculous device...More to comeNTS