Julia Tetwiler: Send the war-fiend back to Hell whence he came

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
American writers on peace and against war
Women writers on peace and war
Julia Tetwiler
Let Our Banner Be Thine
O, this world has grown weary of battle and strife;
She is weary of death; she is longing for life.
And here is her glory Columbia stands,
A star on her brow and a lamp in her hands.
She will guide, she will lead and illumine the way;
Till the nations of earth are all brothers for aye.
O, ye angels who once upon Bethlehem’s plain
Sang of peace upon earth and goodwill unto man,
Come, descend in compassion once more unto earth,
And renew in our hearts the miraculous birth.
Bid the war-fiend for aye cease his terrible game,
And send back the demon to Hell whence he came.
Let our banner be Thine, Prince of Peace and of Love;
On its staff, for the eagle, thy baptismal dove;
Let the stars in its folds but betoken the one
That led the Wise Men to the cradle – thy throne;
And the stripes of bright crimson declare thou has bled,
That man’s blood by man’s hand nevermore shall be shed.
