John Dryden and Horace: Happy is he who trumpets summon not to war

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
John Dryden: All your care is to provide the horrid pomp of war
John Dryden: In peace the thoughts of war he could remove
John Dryden and Lucretius: Venus and Mars: Lull the world in universal peace
Horace: Let there be a limit to warfare
Horace: Transcending war
From the Second Epode
Translated by John Dryden
How happy in his low degree,
How rich in humble Poverty, is he,
Who leads a quiet country life!
Discharg’d of business, void of strife,
And from the gripeing Scrivener free.
(Thus, e’re the Seeds of Vice were sown,
Liv’d Men in better Ages born,
Who Plow’d, with Oxen of their own,
Their small paternal field of Corn.)
Nor Trumpets summon him to War
Nor drums disturb his morning Sleep,
