Jimmy Dore explains how the FBI Implicates Obama and Clinton in Russia bribery plot (Video)

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In summary…
Uranium One was a Canadian Company controlled by Canadian Frank Guistra.
The mining company, Uranium One, was originally based in South Africa, but merged in 2007 with Canada-based UrAsia Energy. Shareholders there retained a controlling interest until 2010, when Russia’s nuclear agency, Rosatom, completed purchase of a 51% stake.
Hillary Clinton played a part in the transaction because it involved the transfer of ownership of a material deemed important to national security – uranium, amounting to one-fifth of U.S. reserves and therefore requiring the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), on which the U.S. Secretary of State sits.
Guistra and nine individuals associated with Uranium One made donations to the Clinton Foundation totaling $145 million.

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As one Zerohedge comment rightly noted

Because the company [Rosatom] is State owned, Putin must be blamed. And State ownership of natural resources must be defamed, because, well… it is harder for the usual suspects to profit from that. (This is the real reason for defaming Putin/Russia for the past 10 or so years).

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