Jim Mowrer-- The Democrat Running For The Iowa House Seat Currently Occupied By Steve King

Perhaps you just read the news that Iowa populist Democrat Bruce Braley is way ahead of all the Republicans running for the state's open Senate seat. 2014 is shaping up well for Iowa Democrats. Braley's margins must seem daunting for the GOP now. He leads Matt Whitaker 43-34, Joni Ernst 45-33, Mark Jacobs 44-32, Sam Clovis 43-31, and David Young 45-32. And PPP summed up there report by reminding readers that "although Iowa Republicans may not have a top tier contender in the Senate race, they're still better off without it being Steve King. Only 29% of voters in the state have a favorable opinion of him compared to 44% with a negative one." That said, we asked the Democrat running against King in the House race, Jim Mowrer-- that's Jim and his family above-- to introduce himself to DWT readers.Guest Post by Jim MowrerI am writing today to introduce myself. My name is Jim Mowrer and I am running for Congress in Iowa’s 4th District against Steve King. Steve King isn’t just a Republican-– he’s the last of the radical Tea Partiers, and he has made it his mission to obstruct anything from getting done in Washington.He doesn’t share our values, not even a little bit. Over the last few years, Democrats have been successful in defeating the Tea Party’s worst, from Allen West to Michelle Bachmann. Steve King is the new leader of the Tea Party and I need your help to defeat him in 2014.The 4th District in Iowa needs someone who goes to Congress and represents their values, and doesn’t spend all their time in Washington on Fox News or shouting from the Capitol steps. This doesn’t accomplish anything and makes all of us Iowans look bad.I have a proven record of serving Iowa and this nation, a record of results I was deployed for 23 months with the Iowa National Guard defending our country in Iraq and then I went to the Pentagon and worked to make it more efficient. What has Steve King done? What committees does he chair? The answer is, with over a decade in Washington, he hasn’t chaired a committee and he hasn’t passed a major piece of legislation.You and I share some very important values, the values of shared prosperity and equality for all, and we need someone representing Iowa’s 4th District with these values.I want to get personal with you for a minute. When I was just seven, my father was tragically killed in a farming accident. My mother Susan was left to raise my sister and me by herself. The only reason we survived was because of the Social Security Survivor Benefits she received. I have felt firsthand the benefits of America’s social safety net and I will do everything in my power to protect it for future generations.Unlike Paul Ryan, who claims to have grown up on social security, I have not forgotten where I came from. I do not support Chained CPI and would not support a measure like this in Congress. It is time for Steve King to go. Iowa and our nation deserve better-- a person who shares their middle class values. I am that person and I am ready to serve. I hope you will join this fight. With your help, we will win. Join our campaign today at MowrerforIowa.com-- I look forward to joining you to defeat the last of the Tea Party.