Jewish Democrats, Neocons, Cuckservatives, (((MSM))) & ADL All Unite To Stump Trump

As was the case throughout the 2016 presidential election campaign, virtually the entire political and media establishment are openly attempting to thwart now-President Donald Trump’s agenda and discredit the righteous American populist. They are all uniting against Trump, and it could not be more obvious.
The Democrats, especially Jewish Democrats, are trying to block and shut down every move Trump tries to make, as the always informative Jewish Daily Forward recently reported:

Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the particularly corrupt and sleazy Jewish Democratic Congressional representative who was forced to resign as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee late last year, recently published an Op-Ed in the Forward invoking the fake “Holocaust” narrative to demonize Trump and hype the threat of “anti-Semitism” i.e., the masses finally discovering the truth about Jewish power and influence in America as well as their destructive, nation-wrecking agenda. Her hysterical article is worth reading in its entirety if you want to gain further insight into the twisted, delusional mind of the Jew, but here are some highlights:

[…] According to the Anti-Defamation League, “A disturbing trend of anti-Semitic and other bias attacks took place in communities across the country following the 2016 presidential race. From Philadelphia to Los Angeles, the use of the swastika, including racist and other anti-Semitic graffiti, vandalism and reports of assaults and harassment proliferated…. College campuses, religious facilities and homes were particular targets nationwide.”
In addition, the ADL reports, “Extremists… were emboldened by the notion that their anti-Semitic and racist views were becoming part of mainstream society. A number of white supremacists on the ‘alt-right’ publicly voiced support for major presidential candidates, with some endorsing Donald Trump.”
Sadly, I know this firsthand. Whether an anonymous anti-Semite tweets a slur at me or sends a photograph of me with a swastika drawn on my face to my office, or a Jewish community center in my congressional district receives a bomb threat, anti-Semitism in America is alive and well.
Compounding the problem is the insidious stench of Holocaust denial emanating from the White House while the administration pursues anti-Muslim policies such as the refugee ban. President Trump has evidently handed too much power to Stephen Bannon, an “alt-right” extremist whose radical views are divorced not just from reality, but from history as well. This grave concern was confirmed on International Holocaust Remembrance Day in January, when the president released a statement that inexplicably excluded any mention of the systemic murder of 6 million Jews.
The failure of the president to mention the central fact of 6 million murdered Jews — as all past administrations have — is unbelievable, unacceptable and unconscionable. […]
Omitting any reference to Jews as the primary driver of Hitler’s and the Nazis’ intentions is nothing short of Holocaust denial. It explicitly blurs the specific hatred that was its driving force.
We saw a similar contempt for constitutionally protected human rights with Trump’s Muslim ban, followed by presidential disrespect for a judicial ruling that dared to enforce the rule of law.
We cannot sit silent while the administration ignores the constitution and erases the ugliest of horrors from history. We cannot excuse or dismiss those who would obliterate atrocities through the sin of omission or who would buck the principle of “Never Again.” Most important, we cannot stand on the sidelines and allow anyone to normalize anti-Semitism. […]

Unsurprisingly, the neocons responsible for the endless and fraudulent “Global War on Terror,” which was justified and launched as a result of 9/11 – a false flag event Jewish criminals in America and Israel organized and carried out and then blamed on Muslims – continue to attack Trump, increasing their vitriolic rhetoric as each day passes. Bill Kristol, one of the leading neocon Jews still vying for influence today, proudly declared on Twitter recently that he supports “the deep state,” which is obviously trying to undermine Trump’s presidency and agenda, over “the Trump state.”

Obviously strongly prefer normal democratic and constitutional politics. But if it comes to it, prefer the deep state to the Trump state.
— Bill Kristol (@BillKristol) February 14, 2017

This is the same Bill Kristol who recently advocated the White working class in America be replaced by unskilled non-White immigrants from the Third World.

Traitorous cuckservatives, led by John McCain and Lindsey Graham, have repeatedly undermined Trump and his agenda while demonizing and delegitimizing him at every opportunity possible. As The Daily Stormer reported earlier today, McCain recently gave a speech at the Munich Security Conference in Germany essentially calling for action to be taken against Trump and his administration. This man is openly committing treason.

The fact that the (((mainstream mass media))) is, by and large, openly hostile towards Donald Trump is no secret. Turn on CNN, MSNBC, or any other (((mainstream media))) outlet, or pick up any (((mainstream newspaper))), such as The New York Times, Washington Post, or Los Angeles Times, and you will see the hatred and contempt for Donald Trump and everything he stands for on full display on a daily basis. Fox News is the only media outlet I have seen that is somewhat objective and even supportive of Donald Trump.
Finally, the organized Jewish community, led by groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, has been and remains extremely hostile towards Donald Trump. The latest “scandal” with Trump is his refusal to address the alleged “rise in anti-Semitism,” which a Jewish reporter recently brought up in Trump’s amazing press conference on Thursday (watch the highlights here). Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the ADL, was none too happy about Trump’s response:

you cant shout down the truth. there is a simple Q all Americans want answered: what will @POTUS do to halt the surge of #antisemitism?
— Jonathan Greenblatt (@JGreenblattADL) February 16, 2017

These people are openly and unashamedly at war with Donald Trump. I hope Trump recognizes the seriousness of the situation, and I think he does.
Trump has only been President for one month, and look at all the drama that has unfolded! Nation-wide protests, increasingly hostile and heated rhetoric, and rising tensions are the new normal. It’s becoming more and more clear with each passing day that there is a deep, perhaps irreparable divide in America. It goes without saying that it will be interesting to see how this all plays out.
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