Je Suis Charlie = JeSus, Jesus or JC = Messianic Archetype

We are being psyopedWe are being 'mindf*c ked"- Excuse the language but that's the most blatant way of stating what is going on!Messianic Archetype JC

While the word "messiah" has different meanings in different cultures and there have been dozens of claimants to the title according to Wikipedia, for most Western intents and purposes, the term has been Hijacked by Jesus, with Jesus becoming the Trope Maker. In media, the Messianic Archetype is a character whose role in the story (but not necessarily personality) echoes that of Christ. They are portrayed as a savior, whether the thing they are saving is a person, a lot of people or the whole of humanity. They endure a sizable sacrifice as the means of bringing that salvation about for others, a fate they do not deserve up to and including death or a Fate Worse Than Death. Other elements may be mixed and matched as required but the Messianic Archetype will include one or more of the following:
  •     being the Chosen One
  •     gaining a group of devoted followers
  •     being betrayed by one of these followers
  •     persecution by nonbelievers
  •     obvious Crucified Hero Shot (or other parallels to the Passion Play)
  •     a figurative or literal resurrection
  •     a prophesied return to save the world
  •     the initials JC

 The Messianic Archetype is about the role the character has in the events of the plot, and can have any personality traits, even overtly villainous onesWhat is a Trope?

Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members' minds and expectations

The Messianic Archetype is definitely implanted in our collective minds and is clearly being used in this latest Paris psyopThanks Anthony for bringing that to my attention!