Jason Erb- Exposing Faux Capitalism

I did find this interview extremely enlightening. So much so I listened thrice! ;-)And thanks to Henrik at Red Ice Creations for providing this interview for us all to enjoy

Jason Erb joins us from Ontario, Canada where he started the website Exposing Faux Capitalism during the global financial collapse in 2008. We'll hear about a number of topics such as the history of the monetary system, credit default swaps, debt based currency and compound interest. Jason explains how the currency system is run by belief, confidence and control of information but nothing is there to back it up.

Jason hails from my neck of the woods. So, Hey, neighbour!He seems to have a good grasp on the monetary issues. His blog is now included in the blog roll.During the interview he touches on some of the very topics previously mentioned here.Share some thoughts on the interview  A few relevant flashbacks: Pt.1: Giving Canadians and everyone, everywhere a Cypriot Style Haircut- "to the wood"Pt.2: Giving Canadians and everyone,everywhere, a Cypriot Style Haircut- “to the wood Victoria Grant explains the scourge of private central banking Canada- "secret" bank bailouts? Canadian Bank scandals? 40 percent (average) of the cost of everything is interest- Usary, baby, usary!