James Corbett Interview, Alt Media Series, Trans Resister Radio

The new series of interviews about alternative media has come to Trans Resister Radio. James Corbett is the guest on this installment of the series. Learn a little bit about what drives the hardest working man in alt media to do what he does. What is alt media at present and what could it become? These questions and more are explored in depth.
Topics include: alternative media, podcasting, going down the rabbit hole, Alex Jones, starting a website, documentation, joining conversation, participation, simplicity of historical omissions, open source intelligence news, CIA, internet, intellectual property, fair use, Google Books, law suit, advantages of small alt media outlets, pushing boundaries, new medium, setting precedents, living history, solutions series, behind the scenes, production equipment, technical difficulties, learning process, no professional training required, passive viewer, active participant, conscious awareness, FLNWO, analyzing media, art, literature, suggestions from listeners, intuition, poetry, music, visual arts, alternative community, networking, paradigm shift, seeking out new sources of information, understanding freedom, mainstream appeal to lowest common denominator, youth, loving to hate celebrities, propaganda, realm of ideas, psychological aspect of washing one's hands, collective unconscious, consciousness
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