Ivanka & Jared In Israel for US Jerusalem Embassy Opening: Palestinians Die

The intentional provocation, inherent in this move is already seeing the desired results..What may yet come is anyone's guess, really. Might Israel take the opportunity to take still more shots at Syria? I wouldn't doubt it! How about all that Israeli violence against unarmed protestors in Palestine/Gaza/West Bank? NO calls from the anglo zionist toadies to save them from the Israeli tyrant. Macron? May? Trump? All Quiet. Israel live fire sniping at random Palestinians at Tear gassing. Lots of confusion. Beware.The Forward

 Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner and the rest of the official American delegation to Israel for the opening of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem arrived in Israel.The delegation is led by Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin also arrived with the White House advisors on Sunday. Jason Greenblatt, the president’s Middle East envoy, is also part of the delegation.Kushner and Trump both warmly embraced U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman upon disembarking from the plane. Later on Sunday, Kushner met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu though it was not reported what the two discussed.

Ivanka/Jared and Warm Embraces

Twelve members of Congress that make up the some 250-person strong delegation to the dedication of the Jerusalem Embassy were scheduled to arrive independently before the ceremony on Monday afternoon.

Prior to leaving Washington on Saturday night, Ivanka Trump posted on her social media accounts a photo of herself at the Western Wall during her visit to Israel with the president last year.

“With great joy, I am returning to Jerusalem,” she wrote in the post. “I am honored to join the distinguished delegation representing President Trump, his Administration, and the American people at this momentous ceremony commemorating the opening of our new US Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel. We look forward to celebrating Israel’s 70th anniversary and the bright future ahead. We will pray for the boundless potential of the future of the U.S.-Israel alliance, and we will pray for peace.”

Is Ivanka channeling Roseanne Barr or what?!  She's praying for peace and Roseanne Barr thinks this provocation is the first step to world peace (see below) Is this just the zionist mindset?

"I think it's the first step to peace in the world, I really do," added Barr.

Flashback: May 14/18- PROVOCATIVE Opening of US Embassy in Jerusalem

Israel the tyrant nation and brutal occupierIsrael mows down protestors with live fire- And the world stays quiet. As usual.18 killed and scores wounded in GazaIsraeli troops killed at least 18 Palestinians along the Gaza border on Monday, health officials said, as demonstrators streamed to the frontier on the day the United States prepared to open its embassy in Jerusalem.

Protests intensified on the 70th anniversary of Israel's founding, with loudspeakers on Gaza mosques urging Palestinians to join a "Great March of Return". Black smoke from tyres burned by demonstrators rose into the air at the border.

"Today is the big day when we will cross the fence and tell Israel and the world we will not accept being occupied forever," said Gaza science teacher Ali, who declined to give his last name."Many may get martyred today, so many, but the world will hear our message. Occupation must end," he said.

Washington Post

Israeli soldiers on Monday killed 18 Palestinians demonstrating along the border fence and wounded 918 in the bloodiest day of protests since they began six weeks ago, according to the Gaza Health Ministry.

The embassy move has added extra friction to what was already a highly charged week. Scuffles broke out in Jerusalem’s Old City on Sunday as Israelis celebrated the “reunification” of the city, an annexation not recognized internationally. The opening of the embassy on Monday is followed by Nakba Day on Tuesday — when Palestinians mark the anniversary of mass expulsions and flight that displaced an estimated 700,000 people when Israel was founded 70 years ago.

No star studded gala for the occupiedThe result has been the incongruous juxtaposition of a star studded galas, including first daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner in Jerusalem while Palestinian prepare for demonstrations not far away. As guests sipped wine in front of a stage with a backdrop of American and Israeli flags Sunday, the mosques in Gaza were urging people to attend protests.

From yesterday: 

Information that should be kept in mind because we may see the propaganda switch gears to blame Russia for islamic terrorism- Contrary to reality.