It Begins... Communist Indoctrination Included In Common Core Literature For FIRST Graders!

It has saddened me for years to see the massive failings in our so called "education" system... I have long said that today's schools are a fraud and that they fail miserably to teach children the basic fundamentals of "Reading, Writing, and Arithmatic" and instead teach only material that programs them to be nothing more than automatons or "cogs" for corporations..... Critical Thinking, which is essential for our future, is no longer being emphasized at all!I came across a most disturbing article today, that I knew had to be shared here with my own readers to view for themselves... It comes from the "From The Trenches World Report" website, at, and is entitled: "It Begins.... Communist Indoctrination Included In Common Core Literature For First Graders".   This article includes a disturbing video that will shock the heck out of everyone, and show the need for everyone to consider withdrawing their children immediately out of public schools.....I have that article and the video right here for everyone to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:It Begins… Communist Indoctrination Included in Common Core Literature for First GradersPosted on May 24, 2013 by ParacleteThe Gateway Pundit – by Jim HoftThis will make you puke.Reading, writing and arithmetic are out – Communist indoctrination is in!The radical left is indoctrinating FIRST GRADERS in communist doctrine disguised as educational tools for first graders. The indoctrination is part of the Common Core curriculum for elementary students.  Creating young radicals – one child at a time.Why wait until they’re in high school?They’re after the babies now.Via Utahns Against Common Core: Notes:  I have long emphasized the importance of proper education in many articles at this site because I see the failings of our so called "education" system that does absolutely nothing to actually educate children, but is used to indoctrinate and brainwash them instead...It is indeed startling to see from this video that they are teaching that crap to FIRST GRADERS... It indeed appears to be "Communist Indoctrination" at an early age! That is why this video is of extreme importance for everyone to see what the criminals in charge of our governments are up to when it comes to proper education for our children....It also shows definitely that our modern public education system is a complete failure, and that the only hope to properly educate our children rests with either private schooling, or even home schooling....This is one video that should be spread around to everyone who has young children attending public schools..... Our childrens' futures are indeed at stake!More to comeNTS