It’s Official: Turkey is Blackmailing the EU on ‘Migrants & Refugees’

21st Century Wire says…

While this dodgy deal was being cook-up last fall, 21WIRE was one of the only media outlets pointing out the obvious problem with welcoming Turkey into the European Union.
For starters, Turkey has been the primary facilitator for al Nusra, ISIS and other terrorists, as well as terrorist weapons shipments and a highly lucrative black market oil trade – to move and out of Syria over the last 5 years.
Secondly, by helping to destabilize Syria and thus actively helping to create the Syrian and refugee, and by extension the EU ‘migrant crisis’ – Turkey appears to now be blackmailing Brussels over a problem it knowingly helped to create in the first place. The fact that EU elected leaders and bureaucrats are so ignorant as not to see this fundamental problem directly in front of them is almost too shocking to comprehend.
Considering the horrific state of Syria, this should be a stark warning to any other country (like the EU) about what an open border with Turkey will do to peace and security.
Now Turkey is kicking-up a fuss over the possibility that its EU membership bid may be spiked…

Ankara to suspend EU migration deal if no visa-free travel for Turks – Minister


Turkey would have to suspend its migration agreement with the EU if there is no deal to grant visa-free travel to Turks, Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu told TRT Haber broadcaster on Tuesday.
Cavusoglu said the German government must make clear its stance is not in line with a German parliament resolution declaring the 1915 massacre of Armenians by Ottoman Turkish forces ‘genocide’, Reuters reports.
The Turkey-EU deal was expected to stem the flow of migrants into the European bloc.
READ MORE TURKEY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Turkey Files