Israeli Travel Agencies Collude To Increase Price of “Holocaust” Education Trips

According to a report recently published by The Times of Israel, Israeli law enforcement officials and investigators have arrested nine suspects in what Israeli authorities are describing as an organized effort by private travel agencies to artificially increase the price of “Holocaust” education brainwashing trips to Poland for Israeli school children.
Jewish greed, deception, and treachery – even against their own kind – knows no bounds.

Nine suspects were arrested in what Israeli police believe is a criminal ring that monopolized the market for school trips to Poland in an effort to fix prices.
Among those arrested following police raids Monday morning on homes and offices were a high-level staffer of a large travel agency and two CEOs of smaller agencies, according to police spokeswoman Luba Samri. Israel’s antitrust authority also included searches of bank accounts in its investigation.
The suspects are accused of violating antitrust laws, accepting bribes and committing fraud.
The antitrust authority alleges that officials in the top travel agencies teamed up to fix prices for groups of young Israelis traveling to Poland for Jewish seminars and heritage trips.
According to Israeli media reports, the suspects won the tender from Israel’s Ministry of Education to coordinate and facilitate school trips to Poland.
Organized school trips to Poland are commonplace for young Israeli students. They typically cost parents thousands of shekels, sparking criticism that they are often inaccessible to lower-income students.

Can you believe the nerve of these Jews?
The fake “Holocaust” narrative, the multi-billion dollar industry it has spawned, and its centrality to Jewish identity is already outrageous enough – now we have reports of Israeli travel agencies colluding to increase the price Jewish school children must pay to visit Auschwitz and other sites in Europe in order to have their minds poisoned with ridiculous propaganda.
By the way, if you have never seen the documentary film Defamation, which was made by award-winning filmmaker Yoav Shamir, who is himself Israeli and (of course) Jewish, I highly recommend taking the time to do so. It will give you an incredible insight into the organized Jewish community and many leading Jewish leaders, including Abraham Foxman, the former head of the Anti-Defamation League.
The film analyzes the concept of “anti-Semitism,” and also follows a group of Israeli high school students on an organized class trip to visit Auschwitz and other iconic “Holocaust” sites in Poland. These young Jewish kids (and their parents) are paying artificially high prices to have their minds poisoned and corrupted with anti-White hate propaganda. Watch the film for yourself below.

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