The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: At Least ONE Nation On Planet Earth Has It Right In Calling Israel Exactly What It Is, A Terrorist State!

Yes, the assault and genocide of the Palestinian people locked up in the largest open air concentration camp on Earth, also known as the Gaza Strip, continues…. We have watched in disgust as the majority of nations on this planet continue to absolutely kiss Jew ass by constantly harping the lies that this act of cold blooded murder is due to the criminally insane state of Israel's "right to defend itself"…. We however know the real truth that this massive assault is indeed Israel's "final solution" to the Palestinian problem in Gaza, which is to wipe out the entire population!I have been watching as my own government here in Canada continues to absolutely give its "undying support" to these monsters, which makes me absolutely revolted to be a Canadian… It is much the same in almost every nation on Earth, as each and every one of their governments either turn a blind eye to the slaughter of innocent people in Gaza or continue to preach the lies that their Jewish masters demand…. Every nation, that is, except at least one….For this article, I want to present a fabulous report that comes form the Daily Star online news service out of Lebanon, at, where the nation of Bolivia in South America has had the balls that other nations do not have in openly declaring Israel a TERRORIST state!   I have that article right here for everyone to read for themselves, and of course my follow up thoughts and comments:Jul. 30, 2014 | 09:36 PMBolivia declares Israel a terrorist stateAgence France PresseLA PAZ: Bolivia on Wednesday renounced a visa exemption agreement with Israel in protest over its offensive in Gaza, and declared it a terrorist state.President Evo Morales announced the move during a talk with a group of educators in the city of Cochabamba.It "means, in other words, we are declaring (Israel) a terrorist state," he said.The treaty has allowed Israelis to travel freely to Bolivia without a visa since 1972.Morales said the Gaza offensive shows "that Israel is not a guarantor of the principles of respect for life and the elementary precepts of rights that govern the peaceful and harmonious coexistence of our international community."More than two weeks of fighting in Gaza have left 1,300 dead and 6,000 wounded amid an intense Israeli air and ground campaign in response to missile attacks by the Islamist militant group Hamas.In the latest development, 16 people were killed after two Israeli shells slammed into a United Nations school, drawing international protests.Bolivia broke off diplomatic relations with Israel in 2009 over a previous military operation in Gaza.In mid-July, Morales filed a request with the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to prosecute Israel for "crimes against humanity."Read more: Daily Star :: Lebanon News :: NTS Notes: I am so proud of the nation of Bolivia and its President, Evo Morales, for taking this courageous and very logical stand… They are showing the rest of the world that someone needs to finally stand up and say enough is enough to Jewish tyranny and enslavement.  Now if only other nations get their heads out of their asses and take a stand, then maybe if enough of the planet turns its back on these monsters they may be forced to finally stop their murderous rampage against innocent people.Again, President Evo Morales of Bolivia is leading the way for all nations to finally take a stand against the criminality of that truly terrorist state known as Israel… I just hope that he is able to protect himself and his family, because I can guarantee the Jews will not take this motion by one of their slaves lightly and will most probably send a Mossad hit squad out to have this brave man assassinated!Lets hope that other nations take notice and finally come out and also declare Israel exactly what it truly is… A terrorist state!More to comeNTS