The Israeli Genocide Of Gaza Continues: Absolutely Spot On Video By Anthony Lawson: The Blood Of Palestine Is On The Hands Of The Bribe-Takers!

The horrific and genocidal assault on Gaza continues... The number of dead now from that Israeli atrocity exceeds that of "Operation Cast Lead" and we are indeed witnessing the extermination of an entire people.  Even today, we have new shocking reports of the Israelis targeting and bombing refugee camps and hospitals that in international law is indeed a war crime... However we see little action by the United Nations due to the Jewish control over that very organization itself!Right now, I want to present a fabulous new video by Anthony Lawson that tells the truth about this murderous assault on Gaza and exactly who is to blame for this genocide... It is entitled: "The Blood Of Palestine Is On The Hands Of The Bribe-Takers", and I have it right here for everyone to view.... I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I agree fully with Anthony Lawson's assertions as he presents them in his video.... Living in Canada, I have been watching as my own psychopathic and very criminal government has turned a blind eye to the criminal Israeli slaughter of innocent lives while sticking to the Jewish lie of "Israel needs to defend itself"....Again, I see nothing in a nation such as Israel "defending itself" when its actions are purely offensive... The only nation here that has the right to defend itself is the innocent nation of Gaza that is desperate now for its survival against Israel's murderous aggression.... This is a must video that should be seen by everyone, and I again ask that everyone take and make copies and pass them around for everyone to see for themselves... The truth about Israel's murderous campaign and those in our own governments who slavishly defend these murderers must be seen...More to comeNTS