Israeli army demolishes three houses and a mosque near Nablus

MEMO | April 29, 2014

Israeli army forces demolished three houses and a mosque in Khirbet Al-Taweel village near Nablus, North of West Bank, a Palestinian official reported today.
The official responsible for monitoring settlement activity in the northern West Bank, Ghassan Douglas told reporters that “a large force of Israeli army vehicles stormed Khirbet Al-Taweel village and declared the area a closed military zone amid tight security measures.
“The forces prevented residents from entering or leaving the village and students from going to their school then demolished a mosque and three houses belonging to Osama Anas, Anwar Sudqi Hani and Mohammed Sudqi Hani and three agricultural barracks.”
The buildings were destroyed because it was claimed they were built without the correct permits, he said.
According to Douglas, this is not the first time Israeli forces have demolished buildings in the village under the pretext they were built in area C, which lies under Israel’s security and administrative control according to the Oslo accords.
Douglas pointed out that Israeli army forces target the village to displace its residents and annex its land to attach it to nearby settlements or use them for army training.
He said Israeli army had recently handed its residents 18 demolition orders including one to demolish the village electricity grid.
The village’s land is vital for agriculture and constitutes natural pastures for over 30,000 cattle in nearby towns.
