Israeli Agents Fire "Missiles" From Syria Back Into Israel, And Now Israel Is Attacking Syria!

I  could see this a mile away.... I just read an interesting report (link here) where it appears that the psychotic Israelis are at it again in their quest to start another war with one of their neighbors... And of course the primary target for their want for destruction is none other than Syria.... Of course earlier today comes reports that Israel was "attacked"  by "rockets" fired from Syria back into Israel.... And as usual these "rockets" hit absolutely NOTHING and absolutely no "military targets" in northern Israel.... To me this is so laughable that gullible and stupid people would actually believe the Syrians to be such poor shots... For all that anyone has to do is see pictures of what is in northern Israel that shows that even an amateur launching bottle rockets could hit targets with ease... But of course we all know by now that these "rockets" are nothing of the sort, and in ALL cases, including those launched from the open air prison camp called the Gaza Strip, they are always way off target and always land in open fields well away from anything of importance...I am going to state it clearly right here... These "rocket" attacks into Israel this morning were absolutely 100% done by Israeli led agent provocateurs for the purpose of having the war that Israel desperately wants with Syria off and running... And we are seeing the evidence of that right now, for according to the following report from the mouths of the most evil ones themselves, through their online Haaretz news service at, the murderous Israeli IDF forces are presently firing artillery into Syria in "response" to the fraud "rocket attack".... I have the link to that Haaretz article right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I absolutely have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Here it is in a nutshell... The Israeli/US FRAUD "terrorist" group known as "ISIS" has not achieved the "results" that either the criminal US government or the psychotic Israeli regime has wanted, so they are now upping the stakes by first launching a fraud "rocket" attack into Israel and having the "response" be an attack on Syria itself.... The next phase of this diabolical plan is of course to have Bashar al-Assad respond to this Israeli artillery bombardment by launching counterstrikes at Israel... That way these twisted and sick freaks in Israel will have their "excuse" to launch an all out attack on Syria itself... And of course have their American puppets support such an attack....Yes, Israel has always wanted Syria destroyed, and since their fraud ISIS has not done the job, they are again trying to provoke the Syrians with this type of game to get their war going... It will be interesting to watch and see what the Syrians do in response to this act of Israeli aggression, and we will see in the next day or two....More to comeNTS