Israel Strikes Syria. US Decision For Further Strikes in 24-48 Hours

Israeli protestors I’d actually expected that Israel would strike Syria. (see my comment from the other day below) And being Israel, bloodthirsty and always destabilizing it was their military that fired the shots. We’re their citizens, whom are proudly bloodthirsty too, holding placards saying kill them all as the missiles flew?  Did they go out like spectators to watch as others die?  Cause they've done that before! Yes, there are too many terrorists in this world!  And it is Israel thatsupports far too many of them. Something the Israeli people should think long and hard about.

PennyApril 8, 2018 at 6:06 PMIsrael looks like they want this one and they want it badly- they didn't want Syria heading in their direction.. to impede Israel's plottingLiberman says Israel will go it alone- I wouldn't put it past them- and will keep an eye on what's happening tonight.... Just can't put anything past Israel.

 The false flag chemical attack created the smoke screen in advance of the desired Israeli move which the US absolutely knew in advance about. I’ve no doubt about that!Verification that the US knew came after I'd written the preceding sentence via Haaretz

"Israel informed the United States of its plans to attack in Syria overnight, two U.S. officials told NBC News on Monday morning. The officials confirmed that it was the Israeli military that carried out the strike on an air base in Syria

When did Israel inform the US  of the overnight attack?  A week ago? Three days ago? Was this planned attack the impetus for the false flag chemical attack?

Kremlin says Israel did not inform Moscow before carrying out overnight strike on Iranian T-4 air base"

Ynet News: Syria notifies the UN.

Syria's Foreign Affairs Ministry sent a telegram to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and to the chairman of the Security Council on Monday about the strike on an airbase in Homs, which is attributed to Israel."This Israeli attack is an indirect response on the success of the Syrian army in the removal of terror organizations from the outskirts of Damascus and from other areas in Syria," the telegram read."Israel's continued aggression wouldn't be possible without the US administration's absolute support, and the immunity it gives it to continue its acts of terror and to threaten peace and security in the Middle East and in the entire world."

I agree that the Israeli attack on Syria was an indirect response to the clearing out of their terrorists from Douma- I've got a sneaking suspicion it may also have been about finishing up unfinished business. The Syrian Airfield Israel struck is one they’ve attacked previously,  but, they didn’t accomplish their entire mission at that time- This attack was covered in two previous posting at the time of the incident February 2018- 1st: Escalation as Syria Shoots Down Israeli Jet- Israel Launches Heavy Strikes- Russia Urges Restraint!   At that time Israel said there was an Iranian drone and they provided rather unconvincing 'proof'2nd post: Tillerson's Sweet Nothing's to Turkey. Israel & Syria. Lavrov insights

The IDF said it destroyed Syrian SAM systems after an F-16I was shot down on 10 February.

    An important S-200 complex appeared to be undamaged after the engagement

Satellite imagery showing one of two S-200 (SA-5) long-range air defence systems in southwest Syria was not neutralised on 10 February raises questions about the effectiveness of Israeli airstrikes on that day.

I have to ask if Israel went back to complete their mission? Because it's the same airfield/base/target as in February- One Israeli jet was shot down at that time. And two long range air defence systems remained intact despite Israeli claims of success. Wouldn't Israel have a real interest in taking out those long range defence systems if they were planning for still more attacks? I think they would need to? What do you all think?Trump Decision to launch more strikes against Syria in 24- 48 Hours

President Trump told reporters at the White House this morning that he would make a decision in the next 24 to 48 hours on how to respond to the "heinous" chemical attack over the weekend in Syria's eastern Ghouta region. “This is about humanity and it can’t be allowed to happen," he said.

It seems Syria was succesful in shooting down some of the missiles fired by IDF.Israel was more careful about keeping their jets out of Syrian airspace.President Donald Trump plans to confer with senior military leaders Monday.

"Trump was set to get a briefing and have dinner with military leaders. Monday is the first day on the job for his new national security adviser, John Bolton, who has previously advocated significant airstrikes against Syria."

It's no coincidence that today just happens to be Blitzkrieg Bolton's first day on the job! We can be certain John Bolton was hunky dory with the Israeli strike on Syria Newsweek

Syrian state media reported a missile attack at the Tiyas airbase in central Syria on Monday.State media said the military shot down eight missiles, but did not mention the number of casualties, although it said the attack "left a number of martyrs and injured." The U.K.-based monitoring group Syrian Observatory for Human Rights told the Associated Press that at least 14 people were killed in the attack, including Iranians or members of Iran-backed groups.Syrian state television initially pointed the finger at the U.S., while a Lebanese, Hezbollah-linked TV station blamed Israel for the attack. The Russian Defense Ministry also blamed Israel, claiming in a statement reported by the country's state-run news agency TASS that two Israeli F-15 aircrafts launched the attack from Lebanon, without entering Syrian airspace.

RT: Several killed & injured in ‘missile attack’ on airbase in Homs – Syrian state media  

"A military airport in Homs province has been targeted in a “missile attack,” SANA reports. Although Syrian air defense systems allegedly intercepted at least eight projectiles, several people were reportedly injured and killed. Several missiles struck Syria's Tiyas Military Airbase in the Homs governorate (also known as T-4 Airbase) on Sunday night, SANA reports, citing a military source. As a result of the strike, there were several “martyrs [killed] and wounded ,” the agency added, without specifying the number of casualties."


MOSCOW, April 9. /TASS/. Two F-15 aircraft of Israel’s Air Force delivered a strike with eight guided missiles on Syria’s T-4 airfield, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Monday."On April 9, in the period between 3.25 a.m. and 3.53 a.m. Moscow Time two F-15 aircraft of Israel’s Air Force delivered a strike with eight guided missiles on the T-4 airfield without entering Syria’s airspace from Lebanon’s territory," the ministry said.The Syrian air defenses destroyed five guided missiles. Three missiles reached the western part of the airfield. No Russian advisers are among the casualties.Earlier, the SANA news agency reported citing a military source that a massive missile strike was launched on the T-4 military airfield in Syria’s Homs province on Monday. According to the report, there are deaths and injuries among the military.