Israel launches missile strike against Syria after Trump cancels Iran deal – reports

Reports have emerged from multiple sources including Syrian media, as well as Al-Masdar News, that Syria has been struck by an Israeli missile attack. This came after a very turbulent news cycle. First, President Donald Trump canceled a major nuclear deal with Iran, against the advice of…basically everyone except Israel, as discussed in this article.

CONFIRMED: US to withdraw from Iran nuke deal, impose new sanctions on Tehran

Then, moments after that news broke, reports emerged confirmed by Israeli sources, that Israeli military forces had been stationed on high alert on the occupied Syrian lands of the Golan Heights, and local authorities have been ordered to open the bomb shelters. In this article, I said:

These events give one concern that this could be the next step towards war with Iran…or Syria.

Israeli military on ‘HIGH ALERT’ at Syrian border moments after US announces new sanctions on Iran

Sure enough, it has now come to pass, though I would have preferred to have been wrong one thousand times, then for Israel to launch another attack against innocent Syria, with such blatant disregard for international law and human life; – so in other words, business as usual for Israel.

The attack occurred in southern Damascus province, near the Golan Heights, where Israeli forces were stationed on high alert hours before. A military position near the town of Kisweh was reportedly struck. According to Al-Masdar news, there are unconfirmed reports that the target may have been a Hezbollah convoy.

Apparently, two parked vehicles were destroyed, however, no casualties have been reported yet, nor has Syria made an official statement confirming the Israeli strike and its targets. Israel has not commented either, telling Sputnik news that they don’t comment on such things.
Al-Masdar reports that Israeli media, however, say the strike was carried out for the reason of:

“thwarting a potential Iranian attack.”

The Israeli news site Haaretz also reports that:

 …Syrian air defenses fired at two Israeli missiles, destroying both, in the Kiswah area.

#BREAKING Assad regime claims it has intercepted two Israeli missiles that were fired towards a base in #Damascus area
— Guy Elster (@guyelster) May 8, 2018

It appeared as if something major was incoming after the report came of Israeli troops stationed on high alert, and it’s uncertain if this is the end, or the beginning of something more. It is worth noting, even if it is obvious, the sheer criminality of Israel’s actions. Israel has no right to violate international law, and launch strikes onto Syrian territory. Syrians are not launching attacks against Israel. Moreover, the attack seems to have been directed at “Iranian movements”, and a result of Israel’s terrible relations with Iran, yet Israel attacked Syrian territory.
Israel even went as far as to threaten the President of Syria with death and assassination, according to News Week:

Israeli Energy Minister and Cabinet member Yuval Steinitz said the consequences of allowing Iran and its allies to work in Syria would be fatal for Assad.
“If Syrian President Bashar Assad continues allowing the Iranians to operate out of Syria, it would be the end of him, the end of his regime,” Steinitz told Israeli news site Ynet in an interview Monday, later clarifying his words.
“If Assad allows Iran to turn Syria into a forward operating base against us,” he said, “to attack us from Syrian soil, he should know that will spell his end.”

This kind of criminal behavior is absolutely unacceptable, and it’s tragic that there is such a dangerous double standard. Imagine what would happen, if Syria, were to say such things about Israel’s leaders, that would mean carpet bombing. Even if a Superpower were to say such a thing, it would have a major diplomatic backlash at the least, whereas Israel freely threatens to murder the President of Syria, there is no outrage or even discussion.
That is the same kind of racism which Adolf Hitler used to begin WW2, and justify mass murder against Slavic people, including more than 20 million Russians, amongst others. Hitler was inspired by Turkish genocide against Armenians, Pondian Greeks, and Assyrians, saying:

Who, after all, speaks today of the annihilation of the Armenians?

He felt that because there was no Western outrage about the fate of millions of Armenians, Greeks, and Assyrians, that he could kill millions of Russians, and begin the most destructive war in human history. We all know how that ended for Hitler. Tomorrow, May 9th, Victory Day, is a monument to the destruction of fascism by the Russian people.
We as humans, have a collective duty to ensure fascist racism does not reach such a level, that the next tyrant aspiring to mass murder will say “No one cared about what happened to the Syrians, who will care what happens to the X”
What if that X was you scheduled for extermination by tyranny. Now, do you understand the severity of the situation, why such fascism must relegate to the dustbin of history.

The post Israel launches missile strike against Syria after Trump cancels Iran deal – reports appeared first on The Duran.
