Israel Did 9-11: Ken O'Keefe Tells Exactly Who Is Responsible For The September 11th, 2001 Attacks

After relaxing on Sunday afternoon and actually catching the end of the Masters Golf Tournament (without falling asleep first...) on Talmudvision, I decided to watch what the LIARS at CBS were going to spew to the American people through their propaganda "news show" called "60 Minutes" about the ridiculous notion that the Saudis were responsible for the September 11th, 2001 "terrorist" attacks on America..... And what I saw was an abomination of true justice and facts in that these liars are claiming that there are some "28 pages" of classified "information" claiming that Saudi Arabia financed and aided several of the "hijackers" for the 9-11 attacks....Yes, it was all a lie, since by now anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows full well that it was the psychotic and criminal state of Israel with their Mossad agents operating in America that are absolutely and beyond any shadow of a doubt responsible for the 9-11 attacks... Therefore the "60 Minutes" report is nothing more than pure bullshit lies to again attempt to deflect the American people from seeing who the real criminals are....Yes, Israel did 9-11... There can be no doubt in anyone's minds any more..... And again, now almost a full 15 years after that "terrorist" attack that put America on a war footing for that psychotic state, it is remarkable that the American government continues their web of lies to continue to try to prop up the laughable lie that it was conducted by "19 "A-rabs" using "box cutters" and directed by a crazed "terrorist" living in a cave in Afghanistan".....And sadly there are still so many dumb ass Americans that continue to swallow the lies without any critical thinking skills....For this article, I want to present the following very important video that was just released last week, where Ken O'Keefe is interviewed by reporter Eric Vedeo in California... In this video, you will hear Ken tell the truth flat out on how the 9-11 attacks were indeed done by Israel using their agents operating in America... Here is that video, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Ken absolutely tells the truth in this video... .There can be absolutely no doubt in anyone's minds now, especially after 15 years, that the psychotic and criminal state of Israel is fully responsible for the 9-11 attacks and the murder of some 3000 innocent American lives...Again, I am surprised that CBS had the nerve to push that hogwash and bullshit on the American people on their disgusting "60 Minutes" program last Sunday.... It is obvious that the criminal Jewish elite are now afraid that the American people are finally waking the hell up and realizing that these criminals are responsible for that heinous attack... And therefore they are trying to 'deflect' all the criticisms and research elsewhere and blaming the Saudis......The big question now is... What are we to do about it now some 15 years after the fact?  What people need to do is to get this video out to everyone around them, and show them all the facts that the real perpetrators of the greatest mass murder conducted on the American public are indeed the Jewish power elite and their psychotic nation of Israel....With enough people finally learning the truth, there may finally be a change in America and the American people finally taking their nation back from these criminals...More to comeNTS