Israel ABSOLUTELY Did 9-11: Must See Important Videos - 9-11 Brainwashing Parts I And II

I do feel like a broken record at times having constantly to reiterate the absolute fact that Israel, acting in accordance with its slaves in the US Government, absolutely did the attacks of September 11th, 2001....It does seem that finally after all these years of having our governments lie and our Jew spew media constantly lie and say otherwise, that people are waking up to the fact that Israel is fully responsible for the deaths of some 3000 innocent people on that fateful day.... Sadly, now over 13 years later, these criminals have yet to see a day in court for their acts of cold blooded murder...I want to present the following two most important videos here for all of my own readers to view for themselves... They come courtesy of Youtube user: "Alfred S" and are entitled: "9-11 Brainwashing, Parts I and II" ..... I have both of these videos right here for everyone to see for themselves some truths about the attacks of 9-11, our sick world today, and the total criminal Jewish control over our own criminal governments... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  What sickened me right off the bat when watching these videos is the complete criminal Jewish control over the Canadian government... Yes, that session of Parliament in Ottawa is very well noted, and it clearly shows the criminal Harper regime's total subservience to their Jewish masters in that they absolutely never answered the clear cut question put forward by the leader of the opposition New Democratic Party... Instead those criminals bowed down to their Jewish criminal slimeball masters and repeated.. Israel, Israel, Israel, and how they suck up to that criminal state!  It is revolting and should be a message for all Canadians that our government does not answer to the Canadian people that were foolish enough to elect them...I find these two videos very masterfully done, and yes, they do show how the "Holocaust" card has been played again and again, even when it comes to the Israeli attacks of 9-11.... Again, as a Canadian, I cannot even question the authenticity of that part of "history" but only recommend that readers take the time to explore all the real facts and come to their own conclusions.... Until the Canadian government stops sucking up to their Jewish masters and repeals the fraudulent "hate crime" laws that have muzzled free speech in Canada, I will not state my perspective on the authenticity of the entire "Holocaust" here...These two videos are indeed a "must see" by everyone, and I hope that people do take the time to copy them and spread them around for everyone to see..... The truth about Israel, their massacre of Americans in the 9-11 attacks, and their "Holocaust" must be told...More to comeNTS