Israel’s shadow interests: warned US about strike on Syria, did NOT warn Russia

On Bright Monday – April 9th, 2018, one day after Syrian Christians celebrated Orthodox Pascha (Easter), two Israeli F-15 fighters launched guided missiles from Lebanese airspace.
They struck Syria’s T-4 airbase in Homs province, without warning or just cause. Five out of eight missiles found themselves neutralized.
Three, however, found their mark – the western part of the airbase, as we have already covered.
The attack killed 14 people, including Iranian personnel, and three Syrian officers. Israeli attacks against Syria are certainly not unprecedented, as the Zionist power has launched hundreds of strikes against Syria since 2012.
From a spiritual perspective, the timing was strange, having occurred the day after Orthodox Pascha.

A Dangerous Message

From a political perspective, those whom the Israelis chose to warn, and those who they did not, provides interesting insight. Many nations speak of their “allies”, however, it is times like this when one can clearly see who the allies truly are.
According to NBC news, as we have covered in this article, Israel informed the United States prior to their strike on the Syrian base:

Israel carried out airstrikes against a Syrian air base early Monday morning and informed the U.S. in advance…

Even though Russia and Israel are sometimes described as allies, Tel-Aviv does not treat Moscow like one in practice. It is well known Russian and Syrian troops cooperate.
Russians could have been present at the Syrian base during the attack, yet Israel did not warn Moscow.
Thank God, no Russians were harmed in the making of this war crime, however, that concern was keenly felt in Moscow, as the Independent reports:

Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin’s spokesman, told reporters the surprise strikes were a “cause of concern” given the numbers of Russian servicemen posted to airfields in Syria

In the grand scheme of things, the attack was not catastrophic for Russia or even Syria for that matter. The choice of who was warned, and who was not, however, sends a strong message if analyzed closely.

The Geopolitics of Israel’s Interests

Israel warned Washington – who almost certainly would NOT have personnel on a Syria base. Israel did not warn Russia, however – who very likely could have.
They are essentially making it very clear that they have little respect for Moscow. At the very least, this was an unintended consequence.
When a country does such things, they are signaling who their allies are. They basically told Russia “Your soldiers aren’t important to us”. Perhaps more accurately, they said: “We will strike anytime to defend our interests, regardless of what happens to you, our interests come first”.
That signal may, in fact, be all the more impactful on Russian-Israeli relations than the actual attack. It is downright disrespectful. Respect is crucially important among all living creatures, be it a pack of wolves or a pack of politicians.
Disrespecting an ally is foolish, but never forget one of the oldest rules of Geopolitics:

Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests. ~ Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston

With that in mind, Israel’s actions and motivations, and allies become all the more clear. Rather than asking who are Israel’s allies are in Syria, it is better to ask what are their interests.
Israel seems to have little interest in humanitarian issues in Syria, considering their war against the Palestinians.

Would Israel prefer ISIS over Assad?

It has already been reported by multiple, reputable, and unrelated sources that Israel has no interest in seeing Syria defeat ISIS/Daesh, but would have rathered had ISIS prevail over Syria, for example:

In January, Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon told the Institute for National Security Studies’ (INSS) conference in Tel Aviv that he’d “choose [Daesh]” over Iran in the Syrian conflict because Iran and Iran-backed groups pose more of a threat to Israel. Source: Sputnik.

Israeli intelligence Chief, Major General Herzi Halevy, … explicitly said “Israel” does not want the situation in Syria to end with the defeat of ISIS “,  the Israeli NRG site reported. Source: Al-Masdar News

There is a recurring curse in the Syrian lands. Whenever Syria is on the verge of destroying terrorism, a foreign power attacks her. This often allows the terrorists to regroup or retreat. The terrorists have been on the verge of complete annihilation by the Russian-Syrian forces. They know the only thing that can save them is a foreign – possibly US intervention. This gives them all the motivation they need to create false flag attacks.
They continue to do this now, in Douma, in order to provoke a western intervention.
It is, however, possible, that events of Douma have nothing to do with the Israeli attack, and are merely a coincidence. Never the less, it is looking like their may be a US attack on Syria coming, and as a result, it is possible the Israelis will support and welcome it.

US deploys naval task force to Mediterranean, ready to strike Syria

With that scary fact in mind, it is worth questioning the narrative about the latest chemical attack.

The Elephant in the Room – who benefits if Syria is attacked?

Why would Assad perform a chemical attack on his own people, when he is openly winning the war. He is under constant pressure from nations which look for excuses to attack him, in order to save their losing proxies. Would he give them this excuse?
Why would he create the scenario that would lead to his own downfall, when he is already winning? Don’t understand what I mean? Take a simple look at two maps of Syria, one from 2015 before the Russian intervention, and one from April 11th, 2018.
Left: 2015. Right: 2018. Syrian Government (Assad) forces in Red, ISIS in Black, Kurds in yellow, other rebels and terrorists in green.
On the left, we see Syria in 2015, before Russia intervened, ISIS (black) looked like it was going to conquer both Syria and Iraq. Today, Assad’s Syrian Government has reclaimed much of the country, and ISIS is decimated. Not only that, but the government has recovered and reclaimed its territory.
As a result, it is looking like Syrian President Assad will succeed in returning Syria under government control. Israel does not want this, as stated, they would have even preferred ISIS to control large portions of Syria.
This is NOT because Israel actually loves ISIS, or wants them on their territory. Rather, they know ISIS is not powerful enough to pose a threat to a highly trained military like the IDF. Let’s face it, ISIS is a pathetic, barbaric rabble. If the Syrian army was better equipped, and not weakened by years of fighting, they would have destroyed ISIS alone.
Had Russia deployed her full might against ISIS on the ground (which she is NOT obligated to do), ISIS would have been destroyed even sooner. If America really wanted to destroy ISIS, they could have also accomplished this also. Their military budget is larger than half the world yet Russia still outperformed them in Syria against ISIS.
If (God Forbid) ISIS had captured Damascus, they would remain embattled with other terrorist sects. Like other barbarian hordes in history, they would likely fragment, not knowing how to administrate their lands. In short, an ISIS-controlled Syria would become Somalia, or the Crimean Khanate if you’re feeling historical and neo-Ottoman. It would be very dangerous and violent, but unable to pose a military, or a geopolitical threat to Israeli interests.

The Geopolitical aspect

The Syrian Government, on the other hand, after securing victory, could indeed threaten Israeli interests. This is not to claim Syria or Assad would want to threaten Israel, merely a statement of that capability existing. After winning the deadliest war in our current times, rebuilding would be a long hard road, but with Russian and Chinese help, very possible.
The Syrian military would rearm, and gain Spartan level training, proven on the battlefields of the worst war of this decade, and that kind of training really makes a difference in actual military strength. Syria and Iran would remain aligned, which is a key aspect.
When Syria wins the war, Syria will continue to align her interests with countries like Russia, Iran, and China – with the new Multipolar world. Syria would remember the nations which supported terrorism. That means no Saudi oil pipelines, or American companies cashing in on the lucrative reconstruction.
Moreover, we must consider the broader geopolitical picture; after the US overthrew Saddam Hussein, Iraq is now far closer to Iran than it ever was.
This has created a direct geographical line of alleged nations: Syria, Iraq, and Iran. They stand side by side from the Mediterranean to the Eurasian borders of the former Soviet Union. That would open up fascinating possibilities for a new pipeline from Syria to Russia and/or China.
It would be catastrophic for the Globalist, Zionists, and Anglo-American power structure, not to mention Saudi Oil, but fabulous for the multipolar world.

That may be theoretical, but one thing is certain:
A victorious Syria would be diametrically (and pragmatically) opposed to Israeli interests.
Israeli interests seems to be divide and conquer; they seem convinced that their survival relies on ensuring the nations surround them do not unite, or at the very least, do not unite against them. They even would prefer ISIS survive, then let Assad (which they perceive as being Iran by extension) prevail.
Russia is interested in a strong, united Syria, whereas Israel wants to destroy Iranian influence in Syria, and possibly Balkanize the country.
Israel and Russia have opposite interests in Syria, and therefore, they are effectively not allies. This is why Israel warned the United States, but not Russia about their recent strike on Syria.
One can only pray that peace, and not war will prevail in Syria and the world. To quote from the Book of Psalms, something both Jews and Christians claim to believe in:

Too long have I lived among those who hate peace. When I purposed Peace, they were all for war. ~ Psalm 119/120 6-7

The post Israel’s shadow interests: warned US about strike on Syria, did NOT warn Russia appeared first on The Duran.
