Islamic Extremists Continue to Flow into USA with Fake Libyan Passports

TweetSo, I know I sound like a broken record but this outrage of fake Libyan passports being issued to Islamic extremists from all over the world has got to stop. The photo attached to this article is of a known radical Islamic extremist psychopath from Egypt. If you look at the photo you will see the fake passport on the left side in Arabic and on the right you will see this mans Egyptian ID. The number 1372 on the Libyan passport means it is a fake
The passport office in Libya has been owned by Al Qaeda since Obama, Clinton and NATO illegally blew up the country and left it in the control of The Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Ansar Al Sharia and other radicals. There is no security, no border control in the country of Libya, so radical jihadists have been traveling to Libya, entering, being given millions of dollars, a new name and a new Libyan passport and sent out to hide at large all over the world and wait for their orders to begin acts of terror. This is a threat to the entire world. Why this is being kept out of the main stream tells the world that they are compliant with these acts of terror.
We have been speaking out over the radio, on the internet, at seminars, to the US intelligence agencies including the DIA about this activity of hundreds of terrorists entering the US funded with 4 million dollars and being given a green card and a multi-entry visa. We have multiple kinds of proof of this activity. There are an estimated 300 to 3000 terrorists per month coming into the US with fake Libyan passports since October of 2011.
America and the world had better wake and stand up, we are being slowly invaded on a daily basis, at some point it will be too late.
Tags: LibyapassportsFake