Iraq's Maidan Spring? Part 1

Long but worthwhile:Nawshirwin Mustafa returns from London. All groomed and ready to go. Within hours, literally, the green zone is allegedly , maybe conveniently, breached as protestors enter the highly fortified complex. Conflicting reports are all the rage! And demands for a technocratic government are made?  Sorting fact from fiction? Reality from perception management?First:  The end of Iraq is Nigh: Gorran Leader Nashirwin Mustafa returns from London

“Nawshirwan Mustafa has examined several evaluations for solving issues in Kurdistan during his visit to London,” Mahmoud said.

“He has a plan to deal with the region’s situation.”

“ Mustafa’s return would initiate a political movement in the region”

 You can find these next stories in the Friday’s post ( relinked directly above) in comment sectionSecond: Iraq Green Zone BreachPennyApril 30, 2016 at 7:45 AM

“Hundreds of protesters climbed over the blast walls surrounding Baghdad's highly-fortified Green Zone for the first time on Saturday.Cellphone video uploaded to social media showed dozens of young men running through the halls of parliament, chanting slogans in support of al-Sadr and calling for the government to disband.Earlier on Saturday, a bombing in a market filled with Shiite civilians in Baghdad killed at least 21 people and wounded at least 42 others, according to police and hospital officials”

 Earlier on Saturday, a bombing in a market filled with Shiite civilians in Baghdad killed at least 21 people and wounded at least 42 others, according to police and hospital officials

As I pointed out in the comment: The bomb in the market would have rallied the masses and breaching the 'HEAVILY FORTIFIED" green zone (no guards/no gun fire) had to have been allowed, encouraged, knowing it would all be uploaded to anti social media as part of a psychological operation

"Clearly the US is moving on Mosul sooner, rather then later, as I expect"

It appears to me as if all this confusion, discord and chaos is part of the prep work for the move on Mosul. As has been stated and reiterated in two previous posts. - Gearing up for the Annexation of Mosul. Destroying Iraq & Maybe Mosul Dam too!  - Annexing Mosul, Destroying Iraq & Collapsing Mosul Dam (Making way for Badush): Part 2 Ash Carter has stated quite clearly. “The U.S. plan to accelerate the campaign against the Islamic State in Iraq is not dependent upon whether Iraq can achieve political unity”

"Clearly the US is moving on Mosul sooner, rather then later, as I expect"

Third: We have a demand for a ‘technocratic government” Maybe. As readers may recall, a technocratic government was the desired government for Ukraine. Yes, Maidan protestors wanted a less corrupt more fair government too. Or so we were told?Al Sadr wants this too. Or so we are told?

PennyApril 30, 2016 at 8:04 AM
Shia Mob in Iraq Demands More Technocrats?Oh really!!!!…

Mother Jones

Oddly, the "firebrand cleric" Sadr (remember when that practically used to be his first name in news reports?) is demanding that...the current hacks running government ministries be replaced with nonpartisan technocrats.

Technocrats, eh? Something that makes me a bit suspicious about exactly what went on yesterday or even when it went on:Kuwait News Agency - MARCH 31/2016- Al Sadr ends Strike after Cabinet Reshuffle:March 31/2016. KUNA. Baghdad ? Not April 30 2016? Gee that's odd.

“ Iraqi cleric Muqtada al Sadr and his followers ended Thursday (March 31/2016), their strike INSIDE and OUTSIDE the capital’s Green Zone after Prime Minister Haider al Abadi announced candidates for the upcoming cabinet shuffleHowever demonstrations will continue every Friday of the week to pressure the  parliament to vote on the new cabinet line up, Al Sadr said while addressing his supporters INSIDE the Green Zone.He also urged political blocs to bear their national responsibilities and look after the public interests in order to complete the national reformation program, pointing out the current high risk level in the country”

The images shown yesterday. Did that protest occur yesterday? Did it occur sometime in the month of April not necessarily yesterday? Did it occur in March? I don't know.(Please read the rest at the link, I just can’t type any more of it out!)****Proof positive the news produced for a psychological operation, against us, are part and parcel of the same ongoing protests, taking place every week since sometime in March!Check this out!Iraqi protesters end Green Zone sit-in

Most important tidbit??? : "Protesters camped out in Baghdad's Green Zone for 24 hours have left the heavily fortified government district after issuing demands for political reform but they pledged to return by the end of the week to keep up the pressure"

These protests are nothing new!******Fourth: Contradictory news reports

PennyApril 30, 2016 at 3:26 PMBaghdad has declared a State of Emergencyaccording to NATO news…"A state of emergency was declared when the supporters of influential Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr broke through the area, home to most ministries and foreign embassies including the U.S. embassy"Or not? According to Iraqi news!…"Baghdad Operations Command denied on Saturday imposing a curfew in the capital, Baghdad, while confirmed that everything in under control and pointed out that the General Commander of the Armed Forces Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi ordered the security authorities to confront any attempt to attack on the public property.A spokesman for Baghdad Operations, Brigadier General Saad Maan, said in a press statement obtained by, “There is no truth to the presence of a curfew in the capital, Baghdad, as reported by some media,” asserting that, “Things are under control until now.”

The claims of a state of emergency being declared due to these ongoing protests is questionable.Since the protests have been a regular occurrence for more then a month now. Inside and outside of the Green Zone... So, would they ( Baghdad) declare a state of emergency for something that’s been happening for weeks and weeks now?  I left a final comment regarding the protestors leaving the green zone last night

PennyApril 30, 2016 at 5:57 PM…"On Saturday, a security source in Baghdad province announced, that the followers of the Sadrist Movement have begun withdrawing from the Green Zone in central Baghdad.

Sounds like a regular protest.Which takes us to my fifth point!The real question is why does the NATO war mongering media wish to make us all aware, at this time, about the political situation in Iraq? Unless the global war makers are set to make a move under cover of all this chaos- I think that is the case.Could it have been because Iraqi forces had a fairly good victory yesterday against NATO's terrorists? And, they want all this chaos as a distraction for their move on Mosul?

PennyApril 30, 2016 at 3:44 PMIraqi forces took control of parts of Anbar security source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told al-Baghdadia satellite television network that Iraqi government forces took full control of the villages of Khazraj and al-Nowaiem, located more than 140 kilometers (85 miles) West of the capital, Baghdad, following heavy exchanges of gunfire with the ISIL.Iraqi troopers also killed an unspecified number of the militants in the process and destroyed a large amount of their munitions.Separately, fighters from the Popular Mobilization units brought down an unmanned aerial vehicle operated by ISIL terrorists in the Southern suburbs of Mosul, located some 400 kilometers (250 miles) North of Baghdad, as it was flying over the area and surveying the pro-government fighters.Also on Friday, four high-ranking ISIL commanders were killed in a series of airstrikes carried out by the Iraqi Air Force in the country’s Northern province of Kirkuk.Jabbar al-Mamouri, a commander of the pro-government Popular Mobilization units, told Arabic-language al-Sumaria satellite television network that the Takfiri terrorists were killed as Iraqi fighter jets targeted the terror group’s key headquarters in the town of Hawijah, located about 282 kilometers (175 miles) North of the capital.Mamouri added that the aerial assaults also killed dozens of the commanders’ companions, who had come together for a meeting at the time of the attacks.



  1. PennyApril 30, 2016 at 3:46 PM


 "4 commanders of Takfiri terrorists have been killed as the Iraqi warplanes targeted the terror group’s key headquarters in the southwestern district of Hawijah on Friday. Besides, Iraqi forces managed to liberate the villages of Khazraj and Nuwai'am in Anbar province.The Takfiri terrorists were killed as the Iraqi warplanes targeted the terror group’s key headquarters in the southwestern district of Hawijah on Friday, Arabic-language al-Sumaria news website reported, quoting Jabbar al-Mamouri, a commander of the pro-government Popular Mobilization Units.Mamouri added that the airstrikes also killed dozens of the commanders’ companions, who were at a meeting at the time of the attack.Meanwhile, Iraqi fighter jets also killed at least 32 other Daesh terrorists in al-Rashad region and Bashir village in the province.

Earlier on Friday, Iraqi ground troops backed by the country’s Air Force also killed 91 Daesh Takfiris as the terrorists mounted offensives against the villages of Mahana and Kharbardan, south of the militant-held city of Mosul.

There will be a second part