Iran initiates production line for air-to-air missiles

Iranian Minister of Defense, Amir Hatami, attended the opening of a production line for the manufacture of air-to-air missiles in Iran. He was keen to make note of the fact that Iran has the capability to not only manufacture the missiles, but also to tweak the technology and mechanics so as to suit the needs of the Iranian military, rather than finding itself in a position which would seeking the technological competence elsewhere. The Faqoor missiles are said to be designed with state-of-the-art technology and successfully passed trials last year.
Kuwait News Agency reports:

TEHRAN, July 23 (KUNA) — Iran announced Monday the launch of a production line of a local medium0range air-to-air missile, which was successfully tested last year.
Defense Minister Amir Hatami was quoted by official media as saying Fakoor was designed and manufactured in accordance with state-of-the-art technology.
“Many countries just import the technology but cannot improve it to make new version of the missile according to their needs, but Iran as a missile producer has the ability to do so,” he said.
He said Iranian experts succeeded in launching the production line despite sanctions.
All fighter jets are capable of carrying Fakoor missile, he noted.

With Iran’s role in Syria and Yemen, an increased capability to manage threats is not well received by the Western supporters of Iran’s foes, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia. Israel is actively concerning itself with launching attacks on Iranian forces identified within Syrian territory, with or without the blessing of the Syrian government, and the situation in Yemen grows more dire by the day. To top it off, the Middle Eastern country finds itself routinely threatened by the United States.
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