IPCC Rajendra K. Pachauri accused of sexual harrasement- resigns

Resigned from the IPCC- Resigned from the Prime Ministers's council and on indefinite leave from The Energy and Resources InstituteThe Energy & Resource Institute-  Brought to us all by TATA chemicals Hmmm...conflicts of interest abound

R K Pachauri, who has been accused of sexual harassment, has resigned from the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change as well, a government statement today said. “The Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has accepted the resignation of R K Pachauri from the Prime Minister’s Council on Climate Change,” said the one line statement. 

Pachauri had earlier resigned from his position as chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a post that he had been holding since 2002. He has also taken indefinite leave from The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), of which he has been director general for about three decades. Pachauri has been accused of sexual harassment by one of his junior colleagues at TERI. The victim has registered a police complaint against him. Pachauri is currently in a Delhi hospital undergoing treatment.

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