Introducing A New Feature Of Down With Tyranny: The Midnight Meme Of The Day

-by NoahWe live in a short attention span era and memes of all kinds have become increasingly more popular. Long before Twitter, those trying to make a point came up with catchphrases and buzz-words. Now, with Social Media, we have a new take or variation on the old saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”It’s not that people shouldn’t read something that may take a few minutes of their valuable time; they should continue to do that by all means. But, for that quick hit or that on the run, driveby statement, memes can certainly pack a punch. It’s just advertising when you get down to it.I approached Howie with this idea a few days ago and he liked the concept. So, with so many fine memes to choose from in any given day, some funny, some poignant, I will attempt to select one per day. I may miss a day here or there, but, hopefully that will just increase your anticipation for the next one.As the name says, your daily meme will be posted at midnight. Sometimes, I might add a comment. More often, I will just post the meme itself. A warning though, I reserve the right to break things up at least once a week by using any great cartoons or tweets that I encounter over the course of the day. It’s the message that matters! I strongly encourage you to forward the memes to your friends and, especially, any Republikooks you may still associate with. It irritates their little brainwashed minds. In the rare instance, it may even get them thinking, but, please don’t count on it. Just be satisfied that you’ve given a little jab in an effort to save their soul, if they still have one.So, without further ado, here is the debut Midnight Meme of the day. It’s always going to be hard to choose just one, but the one below seemed to fit best for today, and hopefully, the efforts of the Republican Party and their Señor Trumpanzee to bring about their dream of “the end of days”, or at least a new Reich, will fail, thus allowing us many, many, many more days.
