Interview: U.S. And NATO, Gulf Allies Form Unholy Alliance Against Iran

Press TV
February 5, 2014
‘Unholy alliance’ formed against Iran
The United States and NATO member countries have formed an “unholy alliance,” along with certain heredity Arab monarchies in the Persian Gulf, against Iran, a peace activist says.
The fact that naval forces in the US and France completed a series of exercises in the Persian Gulf signifies that these two mainstay NATO allies have clearly identified the region as a base of “operation” and “intervention” militarily, said Rick Rozoff, a member of Stop NATO International.
American and French Navies wrapped up combined carrier strike group operations in the Middle East on Sunday after five weeks. The exercises began in late December in the Gulf of Oman, in the Northern Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf, according to Stars and Stripes.
“Nations in the region and throughout the world have to be aware of that, and have to do everything possible to forestall and discourage such military build-ups, especially in a sensitive, delicate and strategically vital area like the Persian Gulf,” he said.
“That the US and France are now situating major naval assets in that area and conducting what are in essence war games portends something potentially dangerous,” Rozoff warned.
The US military has stationed nearly 20,000 troops the Persian Gulf and Middle East regions.
