Interview: OIT- B'nai Brith, The Civil War and Freemasonry

To say I found this interview extremely interesting would be an understatement.As the talk, embedded below,  progresses the "Montreal connections" to the civil war and the assassination of Lincoln are mentioned.  I had become aware of this connection, a few years ago, when David McGowan (RIP) wrote his series on the Lincoln assassination. Entitled: Why Everything You Think You Know About the Lincoln Assassination is Wrong. Dave's work on that subject began in 2014.The  aspect of the Montreal Connections to the civil war, the Lincoln Assasination etc., have filled more then one book. I would love to have the book shown immediately below this paragraph but it seems  to be out of print and not available by any means that I've looked into. Checked local library Tried the local second hand book dealer. Searched both Chapters and Amazon for :Montreal and the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: John Wilkes Booth Visits Montreal by Phil Taylor

No luck. Couldn't find a pdf copy on line either.What can be found is this compilation of information which contains extracts from various books on the topic.Canada in the American Civil War Canada played a vastly larger role in the American civil war then most Canadians realize. This  unusual role is certainly not mentioned in our history classes- Wonder why that might be?

Claire Hoy, in his book Canadians in the Civil War, observes that during the American Civil War many Canadian cities, especially Toronto and Montreal, welcomed a well-financed network of Confederate spies and adventurers who launched cross-border raids. Montreal's St. Lawrence Hall Hotel had so many Confederates living there it offered mint juleps on its menu.

John Wilkes Booth made several trips to Montreal and to Toronto as part of an organized plot  (that would be a conspiracy folks) leading up to the 1865 assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Southern sympathies were so prominent in Halifax, where blockade-running created several family fortunes, that some businesses openly flew Confederate flags and traded in Confederate currency.

Canadian-born Edward P. Doherty was a Union army officer who formed and led the detachment of Union soldiers that captured and killed John Wilkes Booth in a Virginia barn on April 26, 1865, 12 days after Lincoln was fatally shot. 

When John Wilkes Booth was shot twelve days after killing Abraham Lincoln in April 1865, a money order for $184,000 drawn from a Montreal Branch of the Ontario Bank was found in his coat pocket. Six months before the assassination in October 1864, Wilkes Booth made a heretofore-unexplained visit to Montreal. He checked into a room in Montreal's plush St. Lawrence Hall Hotel, 13 Great Saint James Street on October 18,1864. The Confederate Secret Service operation in the officially neutral British Province of Canada had set up its headquarters in the St. Lawrence Hall Hotel. The day after Wilkes arrived, Confederate soldiers launched the infamous raid on St, Albans, Vermont. The raiders, like the Wilkes booth conspirators, were financed by the Ontario Bank of Montreal. 

Wait just a minute! - Bankers financing the civil war in the US through Canada.  Most certainly. Because I've got more still.Montreal, City of Secrets 

Montreal hosted the Confederacy’s largest foreign secret service base during the Civil War. Montreal banks and other Canadian financial institutions held a million dollars or more in hard currency or gold to fund clandestine activities.

When Jefferson Davis fled the U.S. in 1865, Montreal welcomed him and his family. Overrun with refugees, soldiers of fortune, spies, assassins, bankers and smugglers, Montreal was a pro “Secesh” town.

From the city’s grand hotels, plots of all sorts were hatched, including the infamous St. Albans raid and the Lincoln kidnapping, which mutated into an assassination. Influential British-Canadian bankers joined Confederates as they launched a successful assault on the new “Greenback.” When John Wilkes Booth was shot, a bank draft signed by Montreal banker and future mayor Henry Starnes was found in his coat pocket.

  Banks and bankers funding clandestine activities and assassins. Fomenting wars to advance agendas?!  Wow, where have I heard this before? Clearly nothing has changed.  Sadly, too many don't realize the fact, preferring the fiction commonly presented by the media.One last thing before we get to the interview! Read through this Internet Archive linkI've included one article below:

OTTAWA, May 2 (A. P.L-A claim that John Wilkes Booth was hired by "international bankers" to assassinate Abraham Lincoln has been advanced by a Canadian law- yer history student. Testifying before a parliamentary banking committee here, Gerald G. McGeer of Vancouver went back to 1865 and said that Booth was the tool of a banke»e' plot hatched in Canada to assassinate the American President because of his policy of greenback currency. "They (the bankers) were the Inen interested in the establishment of the gold standard money system and the right of the bankers to manage the currency and credit of every nation in the world," McGeer asserted. "With Lincoln out of the way they nrere able to proceed with that plan and did proceed with It in the United States. Within eight years after Lincoln's assassination silver was demonetized and the gold standard money system set up in the United States." 

Something else that is discussed in the interview is the connection of Jewish organizations to the KKK and the Nazi Party Relink: Orthodox Jewish KKK Grand Dragon/ American Nazi Party Secretary Exposed Which takes you back to a 2013 post:McClandish Phillips, exposer of the NYS Judaic Grand Dragon Klansman diesOf course there is a slew of other information touched upon- All very interesting. Much of it resonating with situations I was already aware of. Now, let's get to the interview provided to us all, freely, by Our Interesting Times: Tim KellyThe interview requires a time commitment, being 2.5 hours long. It's become pretty clear to me, over time,  that organizations like the ADL/B'nai Brith & Freemasonry are connected  to other persons who together participate in clandestine ways to advance specific political military agendas.

 "Jeremy Rothe-Kushel and Greg McCarron return to Our Interesting Times to discuss their recent show on the ugly history of the ADL/B'nai Brith, the Civil War, and Freemasonry."