Interview 829 – Paul Craig Roberts Connects the Dots on the Ukrainian Revolution

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts of joins us to discuss his take on recent events in Ukraine. We examine the historical roots of the crisis and look at the risks of further escalation in the current situation. We also take on the reluctance of those inside the beltway to point out the self-evident truths about the increasingly reckless actions of the American Empire.
Democracy Murdered By Protest -Ukraine Falls To Intrigue and violence
U.S. warns Russia to keep its military out of Ukraine
Russia says doubts legitimacy of current Ukrainian authorities
Ukraine seeks fugitive ex-leader over ‘mass murder’
In Ukraine uprising political groups once on the fringes are in the ascendancy: ‘We can break protesters’ legs. No one will punish us. The law is on our side’
CFR: No One Wins in Ukraine
