Interesting Video: "Paris Psy-Op/ISIS...A Great Summary", And My Take..

I constantly get very interesting material sent my way via email and the comment sections at this blog.. Many times I have been asked to take a look at new videos and/or articles to to give my own take....For this article, I want to present a most interesting video that was indeed sent my way... It is entitled: "Paris Psy-Op/ISIS....A Great Summary", and I have it first right here for everyone to view for themselves.. I will follow up this video with my own thoughts and comments about the information presented: NTS Notes:  OK, I would say this video is very factual, other than a few glaring points...Julian Assange and Edward Snowden are to me disinformation agents and are out there to actually poison the well... I have stated before that Assange alone with his "Wikileaks" articles has been putting out periodically some truthful information but destroys his credibility by not pointing the fingers at the real culprits behind the criminal acts that he esposes... One example is his blatant disregard for the real culprits that were responsible for the 9-11 attacks, the Israeli Mossad.....  It has always been my firm belief that Assange is out there to lead people astray and away from the real criminals....Edward Snowden is something of a mystery but from what I have seen he is along the same lines as Assange in not giving the full story as to who are the real criminals and therefore most probably another disinformation agent..... Honestly, I would suggest that people steer away from both him and Assange to get the real facts for themselves....Other than this video's focus on Snowden and Assange, the material is very good and does show exactly how people have been so brainwashed by the fraud of "terrorism" and the entire fraudulent "war on terror"... it is indeed a war on people's minds and our own governments are responsible for that criminality....Yes, the criminals responsible for these fraud terrorist attacks are getting more and more blatant with each new false flag... And at the same time they are getting very sloppy but just do not care knowing that the general public now are just too stupid to see that they are being played as suckers.....I am always open to anyone wanting to send me any material that they have that they would like me to take a look at and give my own interpretation.. It is always important to share our findings to spread the message to everyone. More to comeNTS