Interesting Video: The Harper Deception

I have said it countless times now, and I do need to repeat it again...Canada is absolutely no longer a "free nation".... This nation that once prided itself on being probably the most "free" nation on planet Earth, has now fallen under the specter of tyranny... People in Canada NO longer have freedom of speech and freedom of choice..... We live basically under a dictatorship, and things will only get worse....Yes, this October 19th, the people of this formerly free nation of Canada will go to the "polls" to basically select the next batch of criminals and misfits to run this nation... Most Canadians are fooling themselves when they blindly believe that these "Parliamentarians" actually do follow the will of the very constituents that foolishly select them into power.. But the fact is that they all answer NOT to Canadians, but to the criminal tribe members that use their power, money, and influence, to put them into power... It is disgusting and makes me truly sad to call myself a Canadian...I was sent the following video just today, and I was asked to watch it and give my own opinion.... After watching it carefully, I knew that it belonged here for everyone, and especially my fellow Canadian readers to view for themselves.... The video is entitled "The Harper Deception" and it gives some information about who actually controls Stephen Harper, who has the gall to call himself the Prime Minister of this once free nation, but misses some key points.... Here is that video for all to see for themselves, and I do have my usual thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Yes, there are some glaring facts missing in this video....And I will explain them here:(1) The video narrative misses the key point that ISIS itself is a complete and utter fraud.. Everyone should know by now that ISIS is completely run, controlled and financed by the United States and Israel and contains both CIA and Mossad operatives...(2) The video fails to name the masterminds behind the control of Canada and who controls Stephen Harper... It mentions a power behind Stephen Harper, but refuses to name that group......They are of course the Jewish elite that have full control over all of Canada's parties and they are the ones who select and absolutely control who ever is Prime Minister..(3) The video says that we are financing BOTH sides in the Syrian conflict, but in reality Canada is following their Jewish masters and the United States and throwing their financial support behind the fraud of ISIS for the overthrow of the Bashar al-Assad government and the destruction of Syria....And of course, the Canadian military in the Middle East are NOT attacking ISIS targets, but have been attacking ONLY Syrian government forces and Syrian civilians...(4) The video concentrates on two important facts about the bankrupting of the West and the destabilization of the Middle East... But again fails to name the criminal state of Israel and the Jews themselves as the instigators and motivators behind both.....Someone told me a while ago to be weary of this "Dan Dicks" for his articles and videos, due to his failing to always name the real criminals, the Jews themselves, and other misleading information.... I would say that this video is not that bad, especially some true facts about that horrendous Bill C51 that basically has turned Canada into a police state, but again overlooks some glaring facts about Stephen Harper and the true power that finances and therefore controls him...Yes, the election here in Canada is coming... And in regards to anyone that is actually considering voting for Stephen Harper, or any other candidate that does not answer to their own constituents....Be careful of what you wish for......More to comeNTS