Interesting Article From Greencrow: Defend Your Homeland Or Die

*NTS Note:  I have some family business to take care of over the next few days, and therefore tomorrow's rant may be a bit late in publishing... I will do my best to have it out on time, but the worse case is it may be delayed until Monday.... I have been watching over the last while the war in Syria now apparently coming to a conclusion and a decisive victory for the good guys, the Syrian Government Forces (SAA) and their Arabic and Russian allies... It has indeed turned into a decisive defeat for the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal, and it should be a beacon for all nations that want to stand up against tyranny....For years now, I have been looking for the answers as to WHY the bastards in the US and Israel have been so intent on the destruction of Syria along with so many other innocent nations.. Many have said that these wars are about resources, while others point to the psychotic want by Israel to expand and dominate as part of their "Greater Israel" project....These may be valid, but it does not answer the big picture in regards to the "how and why" of most puzzling modern "geo-politics"..... I am of course continuing to present some interesting material that may answer these questions at this blog, and thanks to a fellow Canadian researcher, today I came across one that is a real doozie!Right now, I want to present the following report from Greencrow, through her website "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at, that is entitled: "Defend Your Homeland Or Die" and contains a must read report from a political consultant named Thierry Masson that gives some great insight into how and why Bashar al-Assad has not only been able to defy the psychos that have wanted his nation destroyed and himself removed from power but has shown the world how to stand up to the "elitist" tyranny!  Here is the link to Greencrow's report here, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: The original Thierry Masson article. entitled: "The Anti-Imperialist Camp, Splintered In Thought" can be found here at this link to the Voltaire website: do agree with much of what Thierry Masson states, but once again he like others misses the key issue here that the bastards behind all of this destruction are the so called "tribe" of elitist Jews that have always wanted to see the rest of mankind subdued and made into their slaves...And yes, he is right that President Bashar al-Assad of Syria has not fallen into their trap and indeed has found the method of defeating these bastards at their own game by simply not playing by their "rules"!  Other nations that are trying to avoid destruction by these maniacs should look at Syria as the example of how to beat them....This map of so called "Gap Countries" especially grabbed my attention from these articles, for I had never seen this "map" before... It is most intriguing and indeed does cover a lot of the nations on this planet that the criminal psychopaths seem to want 'destabilized'.. Here is that map for all to see here:Greencrow does bring forward a few most interesting thoughts in here article, especially about how what we are witnessing happening in the United States right now may be the continuation of this national destruction campaign by these bastards as well.....The idea that this may be part of a "mass cull" by the criminal elite may be a bit of a stretch, but considering the fact that these bastards have always had their plan as part of their 'Agendas' including "Agenda 21" to have this planet's population reduced, with the survivors of that destruction made into compliant and brainwashed slaves.....Again, I will continue to bring forward articles here at this blog in regards to answering the question of why we are seeing so much upheaval now across the planet.... The idea that this is all part of a sick game and plan for our ultimate enslavement has been the focus of so many of my articles here for years now and I have found nothing in my own research to show otherwise....More to comeNTS