THIS Is An Insult To Anyone's Intelligence: Scientific American Claims Climate Change May Have Helped Spark Iranian Protests (!)

As a man of science, I sometimes find it appalling that so many so called "science" journals and magazines put out articles and information from time to time that absolutely insults my intelligence....And just the other day I came across one such ridiculous article that was so insulting that I did not know whether to laugh or to cry....I want to present the following report that comes from the "Scientific American" online news source at, that I honestly thought was a joke at first but quickly realized that they are serious... The article is entitled: "Climate Change May Have Helped Spark Iranian Protests" and I have the link to it right here in its entirety for all to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes:  Honestly, I really could not believe that a "major" so called "scientific" journal such as "Scientific American" can actually publish this drivel....It is bad enough that anyone with common sense, logic, and critical thinking, can quickly surmise that the entire Iranian "protests" that we have been witnessing for the last two weeks were indeed concocted by the US and Israel and were indeed run by their CIA and Mossad agents for the goal of "regime change" in Iran... And now the rejects from clown college that now run Scientific American have the gall and the nerve to throw out this garbage?   I do feel so insulted....Honestly, I had given up on "Scientific American" a very long time ago when they continued to promote the lies about NASA's "space exploits" and especially the fraudulent Apollo moon landings and the missions to Mars.... I had realized that most of the ass clowns that run that piece of garbage are funded and driven by politics and have their publications tied to the worse bullshit lies out there, especially the fraud of "Global Warming"... But I cannot believe that they would stoop this low as to try to link what is happening in Iran to the ridiculous lie of "Climate Change" as well...Yes, this is an insult to anyone's intelligence and especially those who know that man caused "Climate Change" is a fraud.... I still cannot understand why "Scientific American" would stoop this low and throw their credibility right out the door...More to comeNTS