Important Video - (Shocking) Confessions Of NWO Jewish Zionists

There was a time when even I used to believe that this war was against "Zionism" and not against Judaism as a whole... Those days are long past and even I have crossed the so called Rubicon in my own understanding on how evil and disgusting these monsters truly are...And how they actually picture the rest of mankind as subhuman and to be nothing more than slaves when they achieve their sick aim of world domination!To remind everyone of what we are truly up against, and to show their evil in THEIR OWN WORDS... I want to present this video entitled "(Shocking) Confessions of NWO Jewish Zionists" that is narrated by none other than Patrick Willis, aka "Snordster" or "Snordelhans", right here for everyone to view for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  I know that many more naysayers will now undoubtedly now label me by that same fraudulent and laughable "antisemite" label that they have sadly used time and time again before... I challenge them to show that they themselves are even "Semites" before they try to claim this "Antisemitic" title on anyone first!   Guaranteed they can not...I have stated many times that there are a few "good" Jews out there that cannot stand the actions of their evil fellow tribesmen, but they are indeed almost non-existent....Even those who are not directly involved in the acts of evil against the rest of mankind know full well what their tribe is doing, but stay quiet on the sidelines and do nothing to stop them from happening.   This makes them accessories to the crimes.... The facts here speak for themselves.. These monsters have had their goals as laid out in their Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion for world domination in motion for several centuries at least... Only now with their absolute control over our financial systems are they close to achieving that sick dream.....I challenge anyone to find anything in error that is presented in this video, and any mistakes in the comments made by these sick supremacist Jews.....All comments can be easily verified by using the Google search engine.... I can guarantee that everything stated here is valid....Please take this video, and pass it around for everyone to see for themselves....More to comeNTS