Important Health News: United Kingdom Researchers Claim Fluoride Can Cause Bone Cancer, Call For Halt In Putting It Into Drinking Water

Yes, Christmas is now over.. And now back to writing articles here....I do periodically bring forward important health news at this blog for everyone to see for themselves... In this war against our minds, it is important to understand that the criminals involved are also poisoning and destroying our bodies as well.....I have been researching the dangers of Fluoride to our bodies for years now... I have previously shown clear evidence here in many articles about how Fluoride is indeed a neuro-toxin that has been damaging our brains and causing our children in this generation to have lower IQ's than in previous generations... I have also shown how Fluoride does indeed weaken our immune systems, making us more prone to a wide variety of diseases that would have easily been halted if that dangerous chemical was not in our food and our drinking water....Now comes an interesting article that I came across from the Mail Online news service out of the United Kingdom at, where new evidence has been presented that Fluoride can, besides do a wide variety of other ailments to our bodies, cause Bone Cancer as well..... First and foremost, I do have the link to that important article right here for everyone to see for themselves, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes: What people do need to understand is that the damage to our bodies due to the addition of Fluoride to our drinking water and to the foods that we ingest has always been done purposely.... I have no qualms in pointing out the obvious that the so called "elite" that want to dominate this planet and have us either destroyed or turned into mindless slaves have long known about the neuro-toxic and carcinogenic effects of Fluoride and how that dangerous chemical does indeed weaken and destroy our immune systems... They therefore have done their utmost to make sure that their slave governments absolutely do NOT remove it from consumption....Yes, I fully agree with the statements made by these researchers in the UK... Fluoride does indeed get into our very bones and causes on top of weakening of our skeletons, Cancer as well.....And about the idea that Fluoride helps prevent "tooth decay".... More researchers are quickly discovering that is also a massive lie... The whole idea of putting Fluoride into our drinking water to help against "tooth decay" has and always has been a lie...The fact is that back in the 1930's the US ADA was hoodwinked by crackpot scientists into the novel idea of putting Fluoride, which is of course a neuro-toxin and is highly poisonous and carcinogenic, into our water supplies due to the need of the Aluminum producing industries to get rid of their Fluoride waste bi-product that was building up at their smelting sites... I can guarantee ALCOA and a few other criminal businessmen in America bought off these "dental experts" and with their lobbies in Washington worked to convince dumbed down politicians that Fluoride was actually good for our health....  It is also a fact that Fluoride was discovered back early in the last century to have neuro-toxic effects on our brains, and was used in many foreign prison camps as a method of subduing the prison populace to prevent them from either uprising or escaping... I can guarantee that side effect of Fluoride on our brains was not overlooked by the criminal Jewish elite as well!Again as before, I do recommend that more people get motivated and get their own communities to remove Fluoride from their drinking water supplies.... It is time to get this poison out of our lives.....More to comeNTS