Important Health News: Fluoride Officially Classified As A Neurotoxin In World's Most Prestigious Medical Journal! STOP DRINKING FLUORIDATED WATER!

Every day I have, like most people, to deal with many different individuals in my work, and my personal life.... But I have indeed noticed over the last few years how much more and more people are nothing more than zombies and seem oblivious to common sense, and everything around them... I have long said that this very serious "dumbing down" of people is absolutely due to the poisonous chemicals that people are ingesting along with the FLUORIDATED water that they are drinking!I have posted many previous articles at this blog warning everyone about the damage done to their bodies and especially their minds by the consumption of food and especially water laced with Fluoride and Fluoride compounds.....Many out there have refused to heed my warnings and many have come out and said that there is nothing wrong with Fluoride in the very water that they are drinking.... I have even had to endure many harsh comments saying that I was "nuts" for my beliefs that there is a criminal element bent on our destruction and are using Fluoride as a primary weapon for their goals of turning us all into mindless sheep....Now comes a most important article from the Waking Science website, at, that was published almost two months ago, stating that "The Lancet", a prestigious medical journal, has come out and formally called Fluoride what it has always been... A "neurotoxin"!....... I have the link to that Waking Science article right here for everyone to read for themselves, and my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: Honestly, I do not like to tell people that I told them so, but the evidence is crystal clear here.... Fluoride is indeed a poisonous neurotoxin, and everyone must do what is necessary to avoid its ingestion into their bodies at all cost....Yes, the vast majority of our drinking water supplies across North America and Europe are indeed laced with poisonous Fluoride, and I have long said that this adding of Fluoride to our water supplies has always been done on purpose....I again must give everyone a true history lesson here on how the former Soviet Union kept their prisons in their Gulags docile and not wanting to revolt by simply adding Fluoride to these camps' water supplies.... The Soviets discovered the neurotoxic effect of Fluoride on the brains of their prisoners and that effect was absolutely not overlooked by western governments and especially the crooked and criminal US government...The fact is that there is NO real revolt against the criminal actions of the US government today, and obviously much of that travesty can be directly associated with the poisonous chemicals in the American food and pharmaceutical industries, and especially due to the neurotoxic effect of Fluoride in the drinking water supplies of most American states.... Fluoride is most probably the culprit behind the dumbing down effect that we see in the American people today...It is again time for people to wake the hell up and absolutely STOP DRINKING FLUORIDATED WATER!  And demand that local city and state officials remove that toxin from water supplies....More to comeNTS