Important Health News: Doctors Who Discovered Cancer Enzymes In Vaccines All Found Murdered!

Everyone who has been reading the alternative media outlets over the last while have all seen the strange reports about so many biologists and doctors "mysteriously" found dead everywhere around the world.... Many in the alternative media came forward with their own thoughts about these deaths and yes, in many cases these murdered biologists and doctors were indeed doing research into viruses and other infectious diseases that could be weaponized for the intentional murder of millions.. And others were working on cures for diseases and were most probably murdered to stop their research and development of cures against diseases.... I never delved into these findings and my own thoughts about these murders... Until now....I have long been showing at this blog the real truths about Cancer, and my findings and research has shown that the increasing number of people that are coming down with that disease is actually by design... The criminal Jewish "elite" definitely want to use diseases such as Cancer as a method of population control and absolutely do NOT want people to ever learn that there are indeed more conventional and very safe methods of actually curing this disease rather than their prescribed methods of 'treatment' through dangerous chemotherapy and of course radiation... The fact is that Cancer is a multi-billion dollar business for "treatment" that never cures the disease, and the criminals absolutely do not want that cash cow to ever end....I have also shown in many articles at this blog the true facts about vaccines and how the so called 'criminal elite' have been using their poisonous vaccines also as a form of population control and of course to destroy the minds of their victims.... But what I came across today in an amazing article shows that these criminals have indeed been using their "vaccines" as a method of transmitting an enzyme into the human body that actually causes Cancer!   First, here is the link to that article for everyone to see for themselves right here from the Neon Nettle website, at I have the video from that article that exposes the facts about these doctors that have been murdered for saving the children right here for all to see:NTS Notes:  I had long suspected that these monsters and psychopaths that want world domination were using their "vaccines" to cause neurological damage and DNA alterations in their victims bodies...And now to top that all off, this new evidence shows that these vile creatures are using these same poisonous vaccines to promote Cancer as well.....Sadly, yes, it appears that the doctors that were "whistle blowers" about how these monsters were adding this "Nagalese" enzyme into their vaccines have indeed died under the most "mysterious circumstances".... The truth is that most probably they all did discover the criminality of the vaccine industry and paid the price as a result....There have been so many articles out there that directly link Autism to the Mercury used in vaccines.. That is a fact due to the neurological damaging effect of Mercury on our bodies... But there indeed has to be other agents at work to cause children to become Autistic due to vaccine injection, and the effect of Nagalese enzymes in breaking down Vitamin D which is of course essential to human health may also be at work here.... I have long been a strong proponent of trying to get everyone to refuse vaccines and to resist mandatory vaccinations at all cost.... It does bother me that so many still are not getting the message and still line up like dumb ass sheep to allow these criminals to destroy their bodies through these poisons..... Again, as I have always stated.. Never, ever, take a "vaccine" for anything, period... If you do get sick, seek more natural and much safer alternative methods of treatment.....Never allow these monsters to put their poisons into your bodies...More to comeNTS