I'm Always Ready To Believe All The Worst About Trump, But This Randy Credico Stuff Strains Credulity, No?

Roger and Randy like a little publicityIf Trump’s legal team wanted to further discredit and undermine the Mueller investigation into Putin-Gate, they might drag lots of clowns onto the public stage to attempt to make a mockery of the whole thing. Maybe they could dig up some perennial candidate, a comedian and talk show host who says he can’t remember anything because he’s been so heavily medicated. And then get him and another clown, say Roger Stone, into a public mud wrestling match. I don’t recall ever hearing about Randy Credico before but he ran for mayor of NYC and for governor of New York state and against Chuck Schumer for senator… And he kind of sounds like a crackpot. Doesn't mean he is, but he does sound like one. And this twitter thread sure looks like the stuff conspiracy theories are made of. Right? Or not. I don't know what to make of it. it's giving me a headache. Enjoy: