The Illegal Migrant Invasion Of Europe: Important Video Exposes The Truth About This Invasion, And Who Exactly Is Behind It!

Again, with so much of the Jew spew media attention so focused on the circus of the American Presidential election campaign, the continuing attempts by the US/Israeli?NATO criminal cabal to have Syria destroyed, and of course the US propaganda fraud unfolding right now in their "attack" on Mosul, there is indeed so much else happening around the world...... We have all been watching so closely for the last 2 years the illegal migrant invasion of Europe, and how that invasion has indeed brought much of Europe to its knees and has indeed been destroying so much of European culture.... I for one am not blind to this being absolutely an invasion, and in many previous articles and of course my weekend rants, I provided much information to show that it is indeed the Jewish criminals that have always wanted this invasion to take place, as they absolutely want to see the white Caucasian cultures of Europe destroyed!   That is a fact and once again here at this blog I want to present some important evidence to back up these claims...Right now, I want to present a fabulous video that comes courtesy of the Radical Press website from right here in Canada, at This one is from Red Ice TV, and clearly shows exactly who is behind this migrant invasion of Europe and shows these criminals in action as they aid and abet these migrants flooding into Europe!  Here is that video for everyone to see for themselves and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes:  WHY am I not surprised by the evidence shown in this video?  The truth is that the evil Jewish criminals absolutely are behind this illegal migrant surge into Europe, as I have shown in so many previous articles that it is one of the most evil criminals on planet Earth, George Soros, that has been funding the ships and the transport of these illegal migrants into southern Europe... It is therefore no wonder that we find this fraud "aid" group, called Isra-Aid, being on the beaches of Greek islands, guiding these criminal and illegal migrants into Europe and giving them their maps, information, and even food and water, to assist them....Yes, it is a fact that the evil Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion documents clearly state that the #1 enemy of the Jews are the Caucasian white race... And absolutely these Protocols are being followed almost to the letter as the Jews are now using these migrants to destroy white culture in Europe!This again should be a wake up call for everyone, and especially my readers in Europe... Here is the truth for everyone to see for themselves that the Jews are absolutely behind this migrant flood into Europe and are the ones aiding these migrants as they land in Europe..... Wake up, Europe... Your culture and your societies are purposely being destroyed by these criminals...More to comeNTS