If You Snort A Couple Of Adderalls Does It Show Up In A Drug Test?

Much has been made of Trump's snorting and sniffling at the debates. So Saturday, Mr. Projection Man suggested that Hillary was hopped up on drugs and that they should both agree to a drug test. Great idea-- and I suggested it an hour into the first debate when he was so obviously out of his mind on something he tooted before he went out on stage. Many have said cocaine, though I subsequently found out through his former doctor's office that it was Adderall.Since Trump was in New Hampshire Saturday morning, ostensibly to address the state's serious opioid problem, what better time to accuse his opponent who is leading him in every poll in the state by increasing numbers, of being a drug abuser? (The RealClearPolitics polling average shows Hillary beating him in the Granite State by 3.6 points. The most recent poll, from U. Mass shows her up by 6 points-- 45-39% among likely voters). But he was in Portsmouth and none of the Republican candidates in state where anywhere in sight (just Jeff Sessions and Rudy Giuliani), so he decided to channel his rage into claiming Hillary had been "getting pumped up" before the last two debates. He then described his own state of drug abuse and attributed it to her, claiming, for example, that "at the beginning of her last debate, she was all pumped up at the beginning, and at the end it was like, huff, take me down." Tens of millions of Americans had seen that had been Trump, not Hillary. Anyway, as you can hear on the video above, Trump wants drug tests. Hillary should call him on it. And, while we're at it, how about an evaluation by a panel of impartial psychologists and psychiatrists?I'm not taking the Wikileaks revelations all that seriously. There's no way of knowing how much of it is doctored Russian propaganda and how much is real. So I'm basically ignoring it all. Although, when investigating the numerous claims about Trump's cocaine use back in his Studio 54 days, I did stumble across a report from Kenneth Vogel in Saturday's Politico about how Clinton operatives tested out a line of attack against candidate Obama in 2008 that involved his own admitted youthful cocaine use. They never used it. But he wasn't sniffling like a mad dog on the debate stage.