I Am Back.... Time To Get Down To Business

Yes, I am back... The vacation was indeed much needed, and I spent my time basically having some fun and relaxing and absolutely not worrying about what the hell the so called Jewish "elite" are doing to the planet....But all good things must eventually come to an end, and it is indeed time that I get back to the business of exposing some truths in our sick world....I figure that to start off, I would do a mini "rant" here to do some catching up on some important news that I have missed over the last few weeks..... I will of course cover a lot more in my weekly rant this Sunday, August 2nd.... There is indeed a lot to catch up on, so here it goes...I truly am sick of all the hype that I see going on about Donald Trump and his supposed run for the office of President of the United States.... Lets get the facts here once and for all... Donald Trump is being pushed out there purposely just like Ross Perot and of course Ron Paul as the latest "saviour" of the American people, but just like the other people that the Jews pushed into our faces, "The Donald" will never, ever, be President of the United States, and I will state that clearly right now.....Donald Trump's purpose is quite simple actually....He is being pushed up there to purposely destroy the Republican party and/or to split the party much along the lines of when that Jewish criminal, Theodore Roosevelt, was used to manipulate the vote by having him run as the "Bull Moose" party head and therefore ruin the Republican vote for Taft giving Woodrow Wilson, the Jew's man for the office of President, an easy run to the Presidency.... We see the result in our history books, as Woodrow Wilson basically surrendered the United States to the Jewish criminal elite by signing over the entire American republic to the criminal Jewish bankers behind the "Federal Reserve" back in 1913.... The American people have been nothing more than slaves to these scoundrels ever since...Basically, by destroying the Republican chances for the Presidency, the Jews will have their "Democratic" representative back in the oval office in the form of either the psychotic Hillary Rodham Bligh (Clinton) or some other equally psychotic puppet of their choosing..... I am still hoping that this psychotic Jewess never ever achieves the Presidency because she is mentally unbalanced and mentally deranged and could possibly destroy the United States in a war of aggression against Iran, Russia, and China..... Yes, Hillary, who I call "Killary" for her criminal psychotic murderous campaigns, is that evil and twisted...The fact is that the American people are still gullible enough that there is someone out there that can save the republic... But the problem is that until the American people do wake the hell up and throw every Jewish butt kissing criminal out of their federal government, they are stuck with one Jew or Jew dick sucker, in progression....OK, new news surfaced over the last few days where it seems that suddenly after almost 15 months since Malaysian flight MH370 "disappeared" over the Indian Ocean, out of the blue a few pieces of debris suddenly surfaces off of a few remote islands in the French Reunion territory in the south Indian Ocean....The first question that everyone should be asking themselves is why NOW?  Why have "pieces of this wreckage" suddenly appeared now, some 15 months since the plane magically vanished into thin air?  It would seem that we are dealing with a set up to shut people up and to create the image that the plane did crash into the Indian Ocean and not hijacked and forced to land at Diego Garcia....My belief when it comes to this MH370 "find" is that the criminals responsible for the demise of MH370 and the murder of all of that plane's passengers, have decided to take a few random pieces of Boeing 777 aircraft and possibly the rudder piece (flaperon) off of the original MH370 that was shot out of the air over Ukraine (the MH17 false flag operation) and of course an additional prop, a "suitcase" and had it dumped into the Indian Ocean to make sure they surfaced at this remote island.   Now "conveniently" this evidence has been discovered and has been hyped all over the American Jew spew media as "proof" that MH370 crashed into the Indian Ocean..... The simple fact that the Jew spew media is running this report should make anyone smell a rat instantly!The bottom line here is that I am not convinced that this puts MH370 in any new light.... It is just too long a time frame between the crash and finding this evidence now for one... And secondly, it would make sense that the criminals are planting this "evidence" to try to bury the fact that they have used that Boeing aircraft as a false flag weapon in their botched MH17 operation....It seems that the Canuckleheads up here in the formerly free nation of Canada will be going to the polls this coming October 19th in a federal election..... The Jew's #1 main butt kisser, Stephen Harper(-stein), is of course running for "re-election" as dictator of Canada, and yes, there are indeed fools out there that will put him back into office in Ottawa.... But the other choices for Prime Minister here are honestly not much better... Thomas Mulcair, who is the leader of the New Democratic Party and the head of the official opposition to Stephen Harper's dictatorship is not much better as his policies are not much better than Harper...And of course Mulcair is a firm believer in the Global Warming scam and has been calling for the fraud of Carbon Taxation on the Canadian people... Until Mulcair wakes the hell up and distances himself from that scam and fraud, he will not be getting my vote... And then there is Justin Trudeau, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and the son of Pierre Eliot Trudeau, who sold Canada out in 1974 to the Jewish elite by putting in the draconian Hate Crime legislation that has muzzled free speech in this once free nation since... Justin is just as bad as Mulcair in wanting to impose the fraud of Carbon Taxation on the Canadian people, and does come across as "naive" at times... But of course the Jew spew media has constantly been bashing Justin and making him look weak.... The big issue is of course that no matter which one of these "leaders" gets selected as Canada's next Prime Minister, they all kiss Jewish butt and will bow down to their Jewish masters at every opportunity... Therefore, Canada will continue to be subservient to Jewish power and firmly in their evil grip....There have been recent reports and revelations coming out about Glyphosate, and how this highly toxic and carcinogenic poison has been used in pre-harvested Wheat, to "accelerate" its ripening..... THIS would answer the big health question as to why there has been an explosion of "Celiac disease" that we are seeing suddenly rampant in our population... The people who have been diagnosed now with Celiac disease have absolutely nothing of the sort.. What they actually are suffering from is Glyphosate poisoning through the consumption of wheat products that have been post harvest sprayed with that toxic chemical!   The solution until the public demands criminal organizations like Monsanto discontinue the usage of Glyphosate is for people to stop buying commercial wheat products all together and switch to safer truly organic wheat products... As it stands now, no organic wheat can be sprayed with Glyphosate... At least not that we are aware of!......I see that Isra-Hell is still trying to block the Iran nuclear deal through the usage of their trolls that sit in the American federal government.... I have seen a few details that have come out in the alternative media about this Iran "deal" and the bottom line is that since Iran has never been pursuing nuclear weapons, the crux of the deal is for the freeing up of some $160 Billion that had been stolen from the Iranian nation over the last few decades (the American government calls that "frozen assets")..... Isra-Hell of course does not want a deal because not only do they not want to have to fork over that money, but they still want Iran destroyed as the only credible threat to their push for hegemony over the entire Middle East...AND of course once the deal is signed, the world may turn towards Israel itself and its 300+ nuclear weapons that are the real threat to the entire world... The Jews will therefore stop at nothing to see the entire Iranian deal destroyed, and if they succeed, then the entire planet may finally open their eyes to the truth about exactly how much control the Jews exert over the United States itself....Well, with the Israeli/American fraud of ISIS not succeeding as planned in the destruction of Syria, the US/Israel have upped the stakes a bit in having their other pawn, Turkey, now openly attacking northern Syria under the false premise of attacking the "Kurds" as well as "ISIS", and calling for the much needed "no fly zone" over Syria as one of the preliminary conditions needed before an all out invasion of Syria can be launched... Yes, the Americans and Israelis are now counting on their other puppets, the Turks, as their ace in the hole to get the war against Syria finally off and running, and to have that nation utterly destroyed.. Hopefully the rest of the world wakes up and stops this madness.....What else can be said about "Planned Parenthood" other than it is about time that crooked organization was destroyed and put out of its misery... And need we forget about exactly what group was behind its creation in the first place?   Margaret Sanger, a 'tribe member' created the fiasco way back in 1916, and its operation has spread to controversial methods including abortion over the last few decades.... It also has been linked to the policy of "eugenics" which is of course part of the Jewish ultimate dream of population control over the Gentile masses..... Basically the recent video exposes and subsequent investigation into the organization and its actions has been long over due...OK, WHY in the hell are the Greek people suddenly agreeing to the Syriza government's call for a "new" vote on austerity measures?  Did they not say NO already once?  Or has the Greek government started a new policy of calling for votes again and again until the Greek people would be stupid enough to actually say "Yes".... NO means NO! and the Greek people have spoken...Basically the Syriza government has to find their balls, say NO to austerity, and get the hell out of the EU and NATO now and not later.....One last note... This last month had a few hot days over the last month, but nothing in comparison to years  previously...Basically the weather even during Summer is indeed getting much colder, and that is again due to the diminished solar radiation output from Sol.... And damn it, here we have the Global Warming clowns out there again trying to up the stakes by calling this the "warmest year" on record.... Again, what exactly have these idiots been smoking?  And will the public still continue to believe their sick lies before they finally take a strong stand and say "enough already!".... That time is long over due....It is good to be back.... I have more research to do and many new articles will be coming shortly.... In the meantime, I will close this "mini rant" with my usual...More to comeNTS